Monday, December 13, 2004


I am so proud of Marama and Rachael!!! They are the only 2 members left standing of the now defunct team 911. They both finished the HI Marathon with all ten toes and almost that many toenails intact. As I type they are probably drinking margaritas on the beach celebrating their major accomplishment (26.2 miles!!!). Although I didn't actually make it to the marathon I feel like I was there with them in spirit. Maybe I'll have a celebratory margarita when I get home tonight!

On to other news.....I am sick. Bleechhh. I HATE being sick. I guess I really shouldn't complain, I can't remember the last time I had the flu. Anyway off to drink OJ and eat soup and all that other getting better stuff your suppose to do.


Anonymous said...

Hey BEG-
I wanted to let you know that you can view pictures and info about my good friend Paul who was a wonderful musician and friend at He was killed in a car accident on the San Meteo Bridge on 12/10/04 on the way to our gig in Sacramento. Please pray for his family and all the people he's touched throughout his 45 years on earth (which was a lot!).

Anonymous said...

You really WERE there in spirit, doll. We missed you and Kelly every day. Team 911 will always be all four of us! Thanks for keeping us inspired....

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