Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentines Day

So, I was lucky enough to see the fabulous Jill Scott do her thing at the Paramount last week. She was (of course) wonderful. I being the non-emotional person that I am was almost brought to tears during several of the songs but we won't tell anybody about that will we. It's funny, I haven't been out in Oakland in God knows how long but I swear everyone I saw looked familiar. Yep, all the usual character were there; the bartender girl with the big nose, the dude with the gold grill and finger waves, the chick with the tired broke down weave, I think you get the point. Anyway, I was surprised to find that there wasn't a single naked (or almost naked) female in the entire theater. I guess Ms.Scott must have inspired quite a few bay area folks to cover up for a change.

I was late to the concert (as usual) so I missed the opening act (Martin Luther) but the friends I met there said he gave an aight performance. When Steve and I got to our seats the show was just about to begin. Thank God the person sitting in front of me was short so I actually had a great view of the stage. (See chops short people are good for some things!) Unfortunately I also had a great view of some girl who decided she was going to become part of the show. From the moment Jill took the stage until the end of the concert this girl danced and sang every song (at the top of her lungs). Last time I checked my ticket said "Jill Scott" but I guess someone forgot to inform Ms.Thang. Overall it was a nice night.

So, it's Valentines day once again and as usual I don't have an "official" Valentine. I'm actually kinda glad I don't. That just means my cheap ass doesn't have to buy a gift for anyone. Perhaps I'll use the money I normally spend on my significant other to buy something for myself (like I don't do that enough already). Whooo hooo! Another excuse to spend money. I don't know why so many of my friends dislike this holiday. " Blehhhh I don't have a man, everybody hates me, nobody like me, blah, blah, blah!" I am so sick of hearing that ish. I'm just happy I don't have to pretend I'm excited about a cheap present(and even more excited that I don't have to deal with someone trying to get some ass all night long).

Oh well....Happy Valentines day to all you lovers out there!


Chops said...

I am soooo feeling you. I'm not against V-day but I'm not super excited about it either. V-day is all about ME when I'm single! ME ME ME!! I told you I bought myself a new guitar right? Lovin it!

Jazz said...

I'm with ya. I like your attitude. It's a holiday for love. Love SELF first. I hate it when some people I know get all desperate and HAVE to have a man or they are NOTHING!!! It's ridiculous to me.

Jazz said...

ps. thanks for making me noteworthy. you should give a tutorial on how to do some of the cool things you have done on your site.

B.E.G said...

Thanks! and thanks for stopping by.

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