Saturday, March 05, 2005

Lambchops 102 Things

I'm not sure why anyone would be interested in these personal details, but since BEG's been bugging me about it, I've decided to do it. I suppose there may be more to me than my issues with my ex-midget :-)

  1. I love God!
  2. Jesus is my Lord and Savior
  3. I still make A LOT of mistakes, but thank God for grace and forgiveness!
  4. I'm obsessed with electronics
  5. I dont really know very much about fashion labels or designers
  6. I just know what looks good on me
  7. I'm not usually very girly,
  8. but I do have my extreme girly days
  9. I LOVE the guitar,
  10. my interest really got peaked when I saw my good friend Paul Fox (aka Foxy) play the guitar when I first joined the band
  11. I think Paul was the greatest guitar player EVER
  12. Paul died in a car accident on the way to one of our gigs in December
  13. I was devastated...I still am
  14. But I'm not crying anymore
  15. I think BEG is a great guitar player too!
  16. I have 5 guitars (1 Yamaha acoustic, 1 electric bass, 2 electric fender guitars, and 1 Martin Backpacker guitar)
  17. My first electric guitar was from Paul
  18. I won the electric bass (I won 2), the acoustic, a Yamaha Motif 6 keyboard and some other stuff when I won the John Lennon Songwriting contest and these other contests a few years ago
  19. I love writing music
  20. I love singing
  21. I love performing
  22. I love all movies - except horror movies
  23. I especially love comedies!
  24. My favorite ice cream is Daiquiri Ice
  25. My second favorite is Chocolate ice cream
  26. I'm severely lactose intolerant
  27. but I cant seem to stop drinking Jamba Juice (it has yogurt in it)
  28. I love all music (classical, jazz, blues, some country, alternative rock...etc)
  29. especially music with guitars in them
  30. I've begun to dislike today's R&B
  31. It's not very innovative or unique and the lyrics usually opinion only
  32. I love to eat!
  33. I eat every 30 mins (or more dependant on what the tape worm wants)
  34. I love to talk
  35. I love my friends
  36. When I have a good friend I try very hard to keep the connection strong for years and years
  37. I love dogs
  38. I never really liked cats - but they're starting to grow on me
  39. ...still, I never want to own one
  40. I love my mom
  41. but she's a serious nag
  42. when I was about 17 she thought I was gay
  43. when I was 20 she thought I was a prostitute
  44. when I was 24 she thought I was a whore
  45. I was a virgin until 21
  46. today she thinks I want to be a nun
  47. but I dont
  48. I just dont want to date right now
  49. I guess because I have so much on my plate
  50. and I want to accomplish certain things before I settle down
  51. plus I'm VERY picky when it comes to dating
  52. Plus I'm celibate (God reasons)
  53. My dad wasnt around much growing up
  54. he's coming around now that he's older and lonely
  55. I'm pretty conservative to most peoples standards
  56. but I'm not a prude
  57. I hate when people stare at me in traffic
  58. "You lookin at me? I said, you lookin at me??"
  59. I would never date a guy I met in a club
  60. I actually dont really like going to clubs anymore
  61. I stopped liking clubs about 4 years ago
  62. I used to go a lot when I was 15-17 and I was in a dance trio for a rap group
  63. I used to be in the army
  64. I went in just out of high school
  65. mainly because my family is a military family
  66. My lola (grandma in tagalog) and grandfather had 14 kids
  67. They met in the Philippines when my grandfather was in the military
  68. I miss them soooo much
  69. My favorite pet's name was Apricot
  70. she was a toy poodle
  71. she died when I was in high school
  72. we thought she was pregnant,
  73. but it turned out she actually had a stomach tumor
  74. I cried for days and days
  75. I love the Quiznos Sub commercial with the singing rats
  76. I want to get married one day
  77. but not today
  78. I want to have kids one day
  79. but definitely not today
  80. I sometimes feel a tug to start dating again
  81. but the thought of all the time and effort necessary to sustain a healthy relationship turns me off
  82. plus all the inevitable drama that comes with it
  83. I can draw portraits of people from pictures
  84. I like to do it, but it's not my passion
  85. I think I should've went to school to be an engineer
  86. I have a lot of insecurities
  87. but I'm secure in my insecurities
  88. I decided to go natural (no more perms) some years ago
  89. I love my natural hair now
  90. but I refuse to give up hair dye!
  91. Boris Kodjoe is BEAUTIFUL!!
  92. I'm obsessed with TV
  93. I think tv is the Spawn of Satan
  94. I once tried to push BEG down the stairs in college (after she tried to drown me)
  95. I love road trips
  96. especially driving in the wee hours of the morning
  97. I love being silly with my girls
  98. I want a burrito now
  99. No, I want Chinese
  100. No, I definitely want a burrito
  101. Let me add that I have a slight fear of midgets
  102. because of Mr. Circus Midget - every time I see midgets I think they're planning to swarm around my legs, and begin biting and gnawing on my ankles

I'm thru with this. Ja-me, you better do this now!!!

I'm going back to practicing Barre Chords.

Always in love....unless you plan on gnawing on my ankles.



B.E.G said...

Why you always trying to one up somebody!!! I did almost 100 so you had to do 102...I see how it is. I think your mom was right about #42-44. I keed! Ya know I luv ya.

ManNMotion said...

Hey, this was really cool, thanks for sharing. I was trippin over #63 and as for #94, I'm glad you two got past your feud.

Chops said...

BEG: birds of a feather, my friend...birds of a feather! I luv ya too!

manNmotion: Oh yeah! BEG and I may as well have been sisters cause we fought like cats & dogs. The good thing is that we always made/make up pretty quick...just like "most" families. We're no longer attempting to kill each other though...we've definitely grown! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I love Daiquiri Ice. I don't eat ice cream so when I found out about the wonderful world of Daiquiri ice I was pleased to say the least. Then Baskin Robbins got rid of it and replaced it with Margarita Ice. I was unapproving at first but then I settled into it. Daquiri is so tangy. It just hits you in the back of the jaw with tart sensation. *sigh*

The G Perspective said...

don't know how I screwed that up but that last comment was mine.

AMES said...

Interesting things to know. My mother also used to think the worst about me, as good and obedient as I was. Now she knows the worst.

Chops said...

the G perspective:
See! We've bonded over Daiquiri Ice! It's wonderful. Oh, I found out (when I complained to Baskin Robbins) that Daiquiri Ice is seasonal. On the off seasons they bring in that Margarita Ice crap. I finally got it together and started to buy a full gallon of Daiquiri Ice when it's in season. That usually lasts me a good while :-)

I dont know if it's really such a good thing that I have a tape worm. I figure that if the tape worm doesnt kill me (probably for missing a meal), my cholesterol and high blood pressure will. And congrats on being disciplined enough to lose the weight. I personally would have given up and simply gotten used to people having to strap me to the hood of the car in order to transport me around town. U look great by the way ;-)

I guess most mom's are the same. Over protective, over bearing, but very loving. I love my mom, and I'm sure one day she'll recognize my accomplishments instead of (or in addition to) my shortcomings.

Khristi Lauren said...

girl, you guys are really funny, and creative too. i love your lists. as a matter of fact, you've inspired me. fortunatley i'll stay away from the number lists. you're 102 and b.e.g.'s 101 is intimidating.
God Bless!

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