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Sunday, April 18, 2004
This was going to be another long drawn out complaint about my miserable job but, I think I'll take it another direction. Last week I went out shopping, bought new shoes, and scheduled a hair appointment. Why, you ask. Well, tonight is the one time a year dispatchers are recognized for our accomplishments and I made the mistake of thinking I was actually going. (silly me) I usually don't attend work functions but since Rama was being honored as the dispatcher of the year I wanted to support her. When I found out I wasn't going I was furious but not really surprised. (okay, the complaint part is almost over) Anyway.....As usual, I am stuck at work on a Saturday night at 1:10am. (Now for the good part.) Kell was allowed the night off several weeks prior to the banquet. Like me she went out shopping and bought a new outfit for night. (when you wear a uniform everyday, any occasion is a good reason to go shopping.) When Kell found out that I would not be allowed the night off, instead of enjoying a rare night off with co-workers, and leaving me alone and depressed at work she decided to come into work. How nice is that! Like me she agrees that everyone should be allowed the night of if it's actually a night for dispatcher otherwise I guess they could call it the "Staff" banquet. ( especially since staff will make up the majority of the attendees) I know this is kinda corny but it reminds me of that Dion Warwick know the one that goes " Keep smiling, keep shining, knowing you can always count on me, for sure, that's what friend are for. In good times, in bad time, I'll be on your side forever more, that what friends are for." Okay enough of that.
I have not posted in quite some time...I guess I didn't have anything to say and I hate to talk (or type in this case) just to air my ideas. Nothing all that exciting has been going on. Kell and I went to a Karyoke bar in Berkeley called Shattuck Down Low We drank way too much cheap wine, sang way too many terrible songs (one was a duet), then got hustled by some pool sharks. As usual most of my drinks were free. I think that could be some type of Kell phenomenon... Anytime I go out with her my drinks are free (even coffee!... Maybe someday I'll master that trick for myself). Some drunk guy fell off his chair (almost) into my lap while singing songs from and old episode of Saturday Night Live. Kell seems to think that I need to broaden my horizons and consider dating outside of my race. I think that's great for other people however I am usually only attracted to black men....... But, you never know what the future will bring.......
Rama, her daughter and I went out for coffee, then to Lake Merritt to feed the ducks, and to a Persian restaurant in Fremont recommended by a co-worker later that evening. The food was very different but tasty. We ordered steak and chicken kabobs, and several different types of stuffed raviolli things in yogurt sauce. We sat on the floor surrounded by pillows and piged out! Very busy day after six hours of OT!
Well I guess that's all for now.
I have not posted in quite some time...I guess I didn't have anything to say and I hate to talk (or type in this case) just to air my ideas. Nothing all that exciting has been going on. Kell and I went to a Karyoke bar in Berkeley called Shattuck Down Low We drank way too much cheap wine, sang way too many terrible songs (one was a duet), then got hustled by some pool sharks. As usual most of my drinks were free. I think that could be some type of Kell phenomenon... Anytime I go out with her my drinks are free (even coffee!... Maybe someday I'll master that trick for myself). Some drunk guy fell off his chair (almost) into my lap while singing songs from and old episode of Saturday Night Live. Kell seems to think that I need to broaden my horizons and consider dating outside of my race. I think that's great for other people however I am usually only attracted to black men....... But, you never know what the future will bring.......
Rama, her daughter and I went out for coffee, then to Lake Merritt to feed the ducks, and to a Persian restaurant in Fremont recommended by a co-worker later that evening. The food was very different but tasty. We ordered steak and chicken kabobs, and several different types of stuffed raviolli things in yogurt sauce. We sat on the floor surrounded by pillows and piged out! Very busy day after six hours of OT!
Well I guess that's all for now.
Sunday, April 11, 2004
Another (short) quick post...... Good weekend. Hung out with Vett, went mini golfing and won!Then met Vetts cousin and friend from out of town for drinks at the Claremont in Berkeley. (Quick story) When we got to the bar there were several couples swing dancing. By the end of the 3rd song only one couple was left so I guess they decided to give us a show. While doing some type of spin throw move (always a bad idea after drinking) the male half of the duo threw his partner onto the stage where the band was playing. She landed on the speaker (on her head) knocking loose the wires, silencing the music, and the entire bar. After sitting for a moment she scraped herself (and her dignity) off the floor and headed for her seat to a round of applause. After the show we played a couple games of pool then headed home. The next day I went shopping in San Jose,( I spend way to much time shopping!) planned to go to Santana Row but ended up at the mall across the street that I have discovered has every store known to man. Went to bible study, talked about atheists, the big band theory,Jews, and other topics. Several interesting viewpoints were discussed. My favorite was an analogy comparing a Swiss watch to the big bang theory , ( I know this is suppose to be a short post but I cant leave this out) It went something like this.... A Christian asks his atheist friend, "how do you believe life was formed?" The atheist replies, "there was this big bang caused by falling stars resulting in the creation of life." The Christian takes off his very expensive Swiss watch and hands it to the atheist. He then asks him, "how do you think this watch was formed?" The atheist replies " A highly trained specialist put the watch together piece by piece then gave it to someone else to add the casing and decoration." The Christian then asked "Do you think that this watch could have appeared out of thin air?" The atheist replied " Of course not! That watch has several intricate parts that only a trained professional would know how to assemble." The Christian said " So let me get this straight, You think that this watch had to have a creator but you believe that you and I appeared as a result of a large bang and the right combination of dirt?" Hopefully no further explanation in necessary. Anyway......back to the weekend, after bible study I went to dinner at LaPinata with friends. That was about it.
Monday, April 05, 2004
This is the email I received regarding yesterdays audition:
Man, I gotta say you have a SPECTACULAR voice!!! No shit. Not only an
amazing tone, but increible control and rhythmic sense. A solid musician as well as having a great voice.
This may sound odd, but you're actually too good for this band. Even if you
held WAY back, the sound would always be your voice, not the band. You're
impossible to just sort of blend in. Does that make sense? You're such a
strong vocalist and presence.
It would be Brandy with some band backing her up. You're great.
Thank you SO much for coming in. It was a real treat to hear you sing my
Overall this was a positive experience but I'm still disappointed. I guess that means back to the drawing board.......Again.
Man, I gotta say you have a SPECTACULAR voice!!! No shit. Not only an
amazing tone, but increible control and rhythmic sense. A solid musician as well as having a great voice.
This may sound odd, but you're actually too good for this band. Even if you
held WAY back, the sound would always be your voice, not the band. You're
impossible to just sort of blend in. Does that make sense? You're such a
strong vocalist and presence.
It would be Brandy with some band backing her up. You're great.
Thank you SO much for coming in. It was a real treat to hear you sing my
Overall this was a positive experience but I'm still disappointed. I guess that means back to the drawing board.......Again.
......So I finally go to the doctor and what do you think happens? My long lost visitor decided to show up immediately after the appointment. Figures, but I had a great weekend anyway. Never made it shopping with Kell however we did go out for drinks, dinner, pool, and other misc. trouble. I was reminded why alcohol and boredom aren't a good combination. My guitar lesson went well. I'm learning "Beautiful Surprise" by India.arie and I don't really have much else to say about that. Vet, Rama and I had a great time at Yoshi's after shopping all day. That concludes all weekend updates.
Next on the agenda....Music!!! I think I already mentioned that I quit the band I was in for all of 2 weeks. I planned to take a break before finding another one but as usual I changed my mind. I auditioned for an alternative jazz band today. (another Craigslist find...I swear you can find anything on there!!!) The audition went very well considering that I learned 3 songs the night before I had to sing them. I really liked the band members that attended but they are in the process of auditioning several people so I guess I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed.
Let's see.....What else..... I am reading the best book!! Its called "Glorious Appearing" by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins. Its part of a ten book (I think) series about the last days and the return of Christ. I'm too sleepy to explain anymore about it. (15 min till quitting time!!!) I haven't been to the Gym in 2 weeks thanks to my wonderful work schedule but I am going to start again tomorrow....Or perhaps in a couple of days.
Next on the agenda....Music!!! I think I already mentioned that I quit the band I was in for all of 2 weeks. I planned to take a break before finding another one but as usual I changed my mind. I auditioned for an alternative jazz band today. (another Craigslist find...I swear you can find anything on there!!!) The audition went very well considering that I learned 3 songs the night before I had to sing them. I really liked the band members that attended but they are in the process of auditioning several people so I guess I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed.
Let's see.....What else..... I am reading the best book!! Its called "Glorious Appearing" by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins. Its part of a ten book (I think) series about the last days and the return of Christ. I'm too sleepy to explain anymore about it. (15 min till quitting time!!!) I haven't been to the Gym in 2 weeks thanks to my wonderful work schedule but I am going to start again tomorrow....Or perhaps in a couple of days.