......So I finally go to the doctor and what do you think happens? My long lost visitor decided to show up immediately after the appointment. Figures, but I had a great weekend anyway. Never made it shopping with Kell however we did go out for drinks, dinner, pool, and other misc. trouble. I was reminded why alcohol and boredom aren't a good combination. My guitar lesson went well. I'm learning "Beautiful Surprise" by India.arie and I don't really have much else to say about that. Vet, Rama and I had a great time at Yoshi's after shopping all day. That concludes all weekend updates.
Next on the agenda....Music!!! I think I already mentioned that I quit the band I was in for all of 2 weeks. I planned to take a break before finding another one but as usual I changed my mind. I auditioned for an alternative jazz band today. (another Craigslist find...I swear you can find anything on there!!!) The audition went very well considering that I learned 3 songs the night before I had to sing them. I really liked the band members that attended but they are in the process of auditioning several people so I guess I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed.
Let's see.....What else..... I am reading the best book!! Its called "Glorious Appearing" by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins. Its part of a ten book (I think) series about the last days and the return of Christ. I'm too sleepy to explain anymore about it. (15 min till quitting time!!!) I haven't been to the Gym in 2 weeks thanks to my wonderful work schedule but I am going to start again tomorrow....Or perhaps in a couple of days.
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