This was going to be another long drawn out complaint about my miserable job but, I think I'll take it another direction. Last week I went out shopping, bought new shoes, and scheduled a hair appointment. Why, you ask. Well, tonight is the one time a year dispatchers are recognized for our accomplishments and I made the mistake of thinking I was actually going. (silly me) I usually don't attend work functions but since Rama was being honored as the dispatcher of the year I wanted to support her. When I found out I wasn't going I was furious but not really surprised. (okay, the complaint part is almost over) Anyway.....As usual, I am stuck at work on a Saturday night at 1:10am. (Now for the good part.) Kell was allowed the night off several weeks prior to the banquet. Like me she went out shopping and bought a new outfit for night. (when you wear a uniform everyday, any occasion is a good reason to go shopping.) When Kell found out that I would not be allowed the night off, instead of enjoying a rare night off with co-workers, and leaving me alone and depressed at work she decided to come into work. How nice is that! Like me she agrees that everyone should be allowed the night of if it's actually a night for dispatcher otherwise I guess they could call it the "Staff" banquet. ( especially since staff will make up the majority of the attendees) I know this is kinda corny but it reminds me of that Dion Warwick know the one that goes " Keep smiling, keep shining, knowing you can always count on me, for sure, that's what friend are for. In good times, in bad time, I'll be on your side forever more, that what friends are for." Okay enough of that.
I have not posted in quite some time...I guess I didn't have anything to say and I hate to talk (or type in this case) just to air my ideas. Nothing all that exciting has been going on. Kell and I went to a Karyoke bar in Berkeley called Shattuck Down Low We drank way too much cheap wine, sang way too many terrible songs (one was a duet), then got hustled by some pool sharks. As usual most of my drinks were free. I think that could be some type of Kell phenomenon... Anytime I go out with her my drinks are free (even coffee!... Maybe someday I'll master that trick for myself). Some drunk guy fell off his chair (almost) into my lap while singing songs from and old episode of Saturday Night Live. Kell seems to think that I need to broaden my horizons and consider dating outside of my race. I think that's great for other people however I am usually only attracted to black men....... But, you never know what the future will bring.......
Rama, her daughter and I went out for coffee, then to Lake Merritt to feed the ducks, and to a Persian restaurant in Fremont recommended by a co-worker later that evening. The food was very different but tasty. We ordered steak and chicken kabobs, and several different types of stuffed raviolli things in yogurt sauce. We sat on the floor surrounded by pillows and piged out! Very busy day after six hours of OT!
Well I guess that's all for now.
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