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Saturday, June 26, 2004
....Busy, busy, busy, so this will be very short. Went to No Doubt/Blink 182 concert, saw Hairspray, ran 4 miles in San Francisco with Rach and Rama, did a few other misc next post...Bye.
Friday, June 18, 2004
Take me out to the ballgame!

Posted by Hello
Okay...let me start by saying that I have the slowest computer in the world!!! It took me 2 hours to transfer my pictures from my new digital camera (I finally stepped into 2004 and bought one!) and to download a new program to post them. I realize now that there is no way around getting DSL. (It's either that or throw this POS computer out the window!!) Also if there happen to be any porno links at the bottom of this post please disregard them. My computer has some type of strange virus that I can't seem to remove....anyway if it does they have NOTHING to do with me. :-)
I had a great (way too short) weekend. Maya (Steve's daughter) and I saw Shrek and hung out Tuesday night. It amazing how quickly kids grow!!! Last year this time she was almost 5'3...Now she is almost 5'7! (A little taller than me but we won't tell her that!) Kell and I also went to a baseball game at SBC park.(that's where the picture was taken) I think the Giants were playing the.....ummmm, Well I'm not really sure who the other team was but I could give you a full description of the players (height weight measurements etc....) We had great seats (which added to my viewing pleasure!) We spent most of our time discussing the strange people around us and trying to avoid any incoming balls. Kell was convinced she was going to get hit with one and I'm actually surprised she didn't. She is a bit of a S**t magnet but that okay... It just makes her more entertaining to be around. Thank God the night ended without any major catastrophes.
I went to a voice lesson Thursday before going in to work some much needed overtime. We spent most of the hour working on techniques for unlocking my voice and helping me relax. It felt more like a session with a therapist than a voice lesson but I guess singing can be therapeutic. I'm thinking about going back into the studio to record some of the newer songs I've written. It's been several years but I'm sure it will all come back to me.....hopefully

Posted by Hello
No, I don't plan to post picture of myself all the time however this was the only way I could figure out how to change my profile picture. (not that you needed to know all that :-) Anyway Halloween is over and I guess the wig and costume did look a bit odd in June. (or so I've been told) See ya!
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
So, my first run went very well. I went to the San Leandro Marina which was pretty much deserted (except for several skunks that I carefully avoided). Before I started running I told myself that I would run 2 miles, then take a break. Well guess what?! Amazingly enough I ended up running 3 miles in 37 minutes. I know, I know not all that impressive, but for me it's great! Now that I've gotten over the first hurdle I guess my next challenge will be fund raising. I'm giving myself the weekend to come up with a strategy....Or perhaps I'm just procrastinating as usual.
I'm so excited! I'm going to a baseball game at PacBell Park (or whatever it's called this week) with Kell. I haven't been to a game since I was 7 so this should be fun.(especially since I can drink this time:-) I'm also suppose to go to the "No Doubt" concert on Saturday with Vett. I have a few other plans but I guess I'll tell you about those later. TTFN!
I'm so excited! I'm going to a baseball game at PacBell Park (or whatever it's called this week) with Kell. I haven't been to a game since I was 7 so this should be fun.(especially since I can drink this time:-) I'm also suppose to go to the "No Doubt" concert on Saturday with Vett. I have a few other plans but I guess I'll tell you about those later. TTFN!
Monday, June 14, 2004
Mile #1
It's official!! After much contemplation and deliberation I've finally decided to bite the bullet and fax in my Aids Marathon enrollment form. I think the marathon will provide a great opportunity for me to push my limits and boundaries a bit. That means I have exactly 78 days to raise $2975.00 (thanks to a donation from Laura) and six months to condition my body to run 26.2 miles. I am so nervous!! I hate asking for money. I think that may stem from my fear of rejection.....If you never ask you can't be rejected. It doesn't help that most of my friend are starving artist, students, or shall we say fiscally challenged. Perhaps I should look at it as an opportunity to work through one of my many many issues. I'm also worried about training on my own. I am SO not a solitary person but I'm going to have to do this (almost) completely on my own. Scary!!! Training also means that I will have to limit my favorite activity (sleeping) for the next six months to accommodate my hectic work schedule. But...I guess they say "No pain, no gain." Anyway my official training program will commence this morning at 5:00am...Wish me luck! :-)
On to other topics.....You will notice that I have not posted in quite a while. The reason you ask? Well, my life has been so boring that I decided to spare myself the torture of writing about it. The most exciting thing I did was going to a graduation party for Shanae(my old roommate). I arrived early and hung out with her family for about an hour then headed to work. (Of course none of my friends showed up at the party until after I left but what else is new!) I got my car tuned up for $250.00 instead of $700 the Volkswagen dealership wanted to charge me. (Thank God!!!) and Steve's daughter came to town for the summer. Yep...That's about it.
On to other topics.....You will notice that I have not posted in quite a while. The reason you ask? Well, my life has been so boring that I decided to spare myself the torture of writing about it. The most exciting thing I did was going to a graduation party for Shanae(my old roommate). I arrived early and hung out with her family for about an hour then headed to work. (Of course none of my friends showed up at the party until after I left but what else is new!) I got my car tuned up for $250.00 instead of $700 the Volkswagen dealership wanted to charge me. (Thank God!!!) and Steve's daughter came to town for the summer. Yep...That's about it.
Sunday, June 06, 2004
Okay...As usually I'm having a really hard time making up my mind. (What else in new) I was excited about doing the Aids marathon until I went to the first meeting. Originally my biggest fear was raising $3000.00 by August 31st but now I'm worried about training. The training program was created for people with normal work schedule and weekends off. Ideally I would need to run Saturday or Sunday with a trainer at 8am. I don't get off work on Fridays until 3am (or sometimes 5am) and running up to 26 miles after 3 hours of sleep doesn't seem like a good idea. I do have the option of training on my own but this is my first marathon so I need the moral support of other people struggling as much as I am to keep me motivated. I now have one week to decided what I'm going to do. I hate making decision !!!!!!!!!!
I had a really nice weekend. I repped a co-worker Tuesday night. Wednesday I drove along the coastline to Stinson Beach. The weather was great (no fog) and the beach was almost deserted. Actually let me clarify that. The portion of the beach I settled on was deserted with the exception of one couple. The male looked to be about 75 years old. I would guess the female was about 35. While she tanned and napped he alternated between trying to surf and flying a kite. Every 15 minutes or so he would creep back over to see if she was sleeping. After confirming that she was actually asleep he climbed under her blanket, slipped off his short, and well.....use you imagination but I finally realized why everyone else was sitting so far away from them. Anyway I'm not really into porn (especially live!) so I moved. I stayed for several more hours then took a leisurely drive home. Thursday I went shopping and Friday I took off early and saw "The Day After Tomorrow" at the movies. TTFN.
I had a really nice weekend. I repped a co-worker Tuesday night. Wednesday I drove along the coastline to Stinson Beach. The weather was great (no fog) and the beach was almost deserted. Actually let me clarify that. The portion of the beach I settled on was deserted with the exception of one couple. The male looked to be about 75 years old. I would guess the female was about 35. While she tanned and napped he alternated between trying to surf and flying a kite. Every 15 minutes or so he would creep back over to see if she was sleeping. After confirming that she was actually asleep he climbed under her blanket, slipped off his short, and well.....use you imagination but I finally realized why everyone else was sitting so far away from them. Anyway I'm not really into porn (especially live!) so I moved. I stayed for several more hours then took a leisurely drive home. Thursday I went shopping and Friday I took off early and saw "The Day After Tomorrow" at the movies. TTFN.
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
All Donation Accepted
I'm trying to blog more often but I don't have anything to say.....Actually I do. I think I need neck and stomach liposuction so I've started saving money. I found .53 cents lying on the ground and a dollar in my pocket. Guess I'll go home and check between the couch cushions.....