Posted by Hello
Okay...let me start by saying that I have the slowest computer in the world!!! It took me 2 hours to transfer my pictures from my new digital camera (I finally stepped into 2004 and bought one!) and to download a new program to post them. I realize now that there is no way around getting DSL. (It's either that or throw this POS computer out the window!!) Also if there happen to be any porno links at the bottom of this post please disregard them. My computer has some type of strange virus that I can't seem to remove....anyway if it does they have NOTHING to do with me. :-)
I had a great (way too short) weekend. Maya (Steve's daughter) and I saw Shrek and hung out Tuesday night. It amazing how quickly kids grow!!! Last year this time she was almost 5'3...Now she is almost 5'7! (A little taller than me but we won't tell her that!) Kell and I also went to a baseball game at SBC park.(that's where the picture was taken) I think the Giants were playing the.....ummmm, Well I'm not really sure who the other team was but I could give you a full description of the players (height weight measurements etc....) We had great seats (which added to my viewing pleasure!) We spent most of our time discussing the strange people around us and trying to avoid any incoming balls. Kell was convinced she was going to get hit with one and I'm actually surprised she didn't. She is a bit of a S**t magnet but that okay... It just makes her more entertaining to be around. Thank God the night ended without any major catastrophes.
I went to a voice lesson Thursday before going in to work some much needed overtime. We spent most of the hour working on techniques for unlocking my voice and helping me relax. It felt more like a session with a therapist than a voice lesson but I guess singing can be therapeutic. I'm thinking about going back into the studio to record some of the newer songs I've written. It's been several years but I'm sure it will all come back to me.....hopefully
Try using Stinger...it will do a search for viruses that your McAfee or Norton might have missed (although McAfee and Norton are pretty good at picking up worms and trojans). You probably also need to go into your control panel and delete unfamiliar programs that have been used recently. BTW, I remember the San Leandro Marina. I used to go for jogs and bike rides there too!
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