It's official!! After much contemplation and deliberation I've finally decided to bite the bullet and fax in my Aids Marathon enrollment form. I think the marathon will provide a great opportunity for me to push my limits and boundaries a bit. That means I have exactly 78 days to raise $2975.00 (thanks to a donation from Laura) and six months to condition my body to run 26.2 miles. I am so nervous!! I hate asking for money. I think that may stem from my fear of rejection.....If you never ask you can't be rejected. It doesn't help that most of my friend are starving artist, students, or shall we say fiscally challenged. Perhaps I should look at it as an opportunity to work through one of my many many issues. I'm also worried about training on my own. I am SO not a solitary person but I'm going to have to do this (almost) completely on my own. Scary!!! Training also means that I will have to limit my favorite activity (sleeping) for the next six months to accommodate my hectic work schedule. But...I guess they say "No pain, no gain." Anyway my official training program will commence this morning at 5:00am...Wish me luck! :-)
On to other topics.....You will notice that I have not posted in quite a while. The reason you ask? Well, my life has been so boring that I decided to spare myself the torture of writing about it. The most exciting thing I did was going to a graduation party for Shanae(my old roommate). I arrived early and hung out with her family for about an hour then headed to work. (Of course none of my friends showed up at the party until after I left but what else is new!) I got my car tuned up for $250.00 instead of $700 the Volkswagen dealership wanted to charge me. (Thank God!!!) and Steve's daughter came to town for the summer. Yep...That's about it.
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