So, my first run went very well. I went to the San Leandro Marina which was pretty much deserted (except for several skunks that I carefully avoided). Before I started running I told myself that I would run 2 miles, then take a break. Well guess what?! Amazingly enough I ended up running 3 miles in 37 minutes. I know, I know not all that impressive, but for me it's great! Now that I've gotten over the first hurdle I guess my next challenge will be fund raising. I'm giving myself the weekend to come up with a strategy....Or perhaps I'm just procrastinating as usual.
I'm so excited! I'm going to a baseball game at PacBell Park (or whatever it's called this week) with Kell. I haven't been to a game since I was 7 so this should be fun.(especially since I can drink this time:-) I'm also suppose to go to the "No Doubt" concert on Saturday with Vett. I have a few other plans but I guess I'll tell you about those later. TTFN!
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