New Year, New me. That's the way it suppose to work right? I usually don't make New Years resolution but perhaps I'll start 2005 off differently. So here's the top 20 in no particular order:
1) Re-commit myself to discovering who I actually am.
2) Open myself emotionally to fully experience life.
3) Deepen my relationship with God.
4) Take Salsa lessons.
6) Go back to belly dancing lessons.
5) Go back to guitar lessons.
6) Finally finish that damn math class!!!
7) Re-commit to paying off bills instead of making more.
8) Save for a house (2 year plan)
9) Change my diet, to be healthier and to possibly loose weight.
10) Learn to be a more disciplined person in all aspects of life.
11) Take a temporary hiatus from dating until goals 1-3 are reached.(1 year max!)
12) Run a marathon.
13) Spend more time in prayer and less complaining!
14) Learn to accept that things don't always go as planned.
15) Learn to appreciate my own value.
16) Learn to stand up for myself without stepping on others.
17) Learn to not be so selfish.
18) Learn to be more selfish in some situations.
19) Find a path and stick to it.
20) Sing and use the gifts that God gave me.
Good luck, I have a list they I need to follow as well..
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