Today we'll take a break from our usual scheduled programming for an update. I thinks I'll start with my you can see from the pictures the "ugly faze" I discussed in a previous post has officially arrived. As my nephews grandmother so eloquently stated while staring at me in disbelief (at Christmas dinner mind you) "Oh, don't worry baby... it will grow fast." WTF! Thanks, that really makes me feel better. That's JUST what I needed to hear. Anyway six weeks have passed since the beginning of this process and my desire to stay napptural is slowly starting to dissolve. My first return trip to the stylist didn't go very well. He washed it and re-twisted in section twice the size of the first time. I sat under the hot ass dryer for almost an hour and when I left I looked like I'd stuck my finger in an electric socket. The sections were so big that I had to re-twist several of them. I tried the whole scarf/hat thing but I have a rather large dome so that didn't worked either. I guess I'll just have to deal with it for now.
Next up.....I went to the best concert on Christmas Eve!! After working 7am-7pm Yvette, Kelly and I saw my favorite female singer Ledisi at Yoshis. We even got to take a picture with her! As usual she was amazing and I made it through the whole night without spilling Sake on anyone (don't ask). Afterwards I went home, made a carrot cake (see I do cook sometimes), and watched "Napoleon Dynamite" (my current favorite movie!!!) several time with Yvette who decided to spend the night. Since this was the first time (in 8 years) I've spent Christmas Eve without a significant other I didn't mind to much.
There must be something else I need to talk about but I can't seem to remember what is. Anyway, just in case I don't post again before the new year I hope that 2005 is a wonderful year for you and that all your prayers, hopes and dreams and fulfilled. Happy New Year!
The "something else that you need to talk about but can't seem to remember what it is" is that yet again YOU ALL 4GOT MYYYYYY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!! But you seemed to remember to update your BLOG today....NICEEEEEEEEEE...It's cool though, I got u next year, each and every one of you....
Great blog, be patient with your hair..Happy new Year..
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