I am so not impressed with the new year. I don't know what I actually expected but I know this ain't it. Okay, perhaps somewhere way back in the recesses of my mind I expected to wake up in a hotel suite in the Seychelles next to Charles Woodson (my love slave, he-he) , where I would spend the day lounging, eating, f....ooohh better leave that out, and shopping. Realistically I know things don't change without a lot of hard work and planning but you can't blame a girl for hoping. I just can't seem to figure out what my problem is. I spent New Years Eve at church with my mom, brother, and nephew and had a great time. By the grace of God I was allowed the night off from work (which in my line of work is virtually impossible). I have a roof over my head, a drivable car, and food in my belly (perhaps a little too much) so why am I in such a crappy mood. I think it started a little before the Christmas holidays and I just can't seem to shake it. I feel like something is going to happen/change soon although I don't know exactly* what that will mean. I do hope it's a positive change. Well, enough polluting the world with my negativity....I'll be back when I have something positive to say.**
*The spell check keeps changing this word to ejaculate..........I'm not really sure why.....Just thought you might want to know.
** I have a terrible migrane so I can't think straight and it took me almost 2 hours to type this.
PS: Happy Frickin*** New Year. (again)
***Ok last thing I promise. The spell check also suggested I change this word to Foreskin.
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