This is a post I created back on January 9th, 2005. I had to remove it due to circumstances I’m unable to disclose at this time. I'm reposting because I feel the need to restate my feelings on grubby food tasters (see my 'Final thoughts on food' at the very end of the post).
Many may not agree with me (like B.E.G), but the large number of folks who do agree please let your voices ring to very roof tops of this slobber sharing society! REVOLUTION IS ON THE HORIZON MY FRIENDS!!! A NEW DAY IS DAWNING!! KEEP YOUR FILTHY FORKS OFF MY PLATE....VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!!
Always in love...unless you eat off my plate (this is a very important reiteration).
January 9th 2005
First let me say that I am ever so thrilled to be off of work for 7 full days!! Don't hate :-)
So I finally finished my painful packing experience at 11am this morning. Surprisingly enough I got all of my clothes into my one big bag. Of course I needed an extra bag for my hair products and accessories, but that's a given.
I called the airline to determine if I could get my Martin Backpacker Guitar onto the plane with no trouble and I got some bad news. Unfortunately my guitar is about 28inches and the overhead compartment is 24inches, so I was S.O.L. Being me, I decided to take my chances with the guitar and said an extra prayer before checking in.
God is just so good because I was able to sneak the guitar on and luckily the case is black so the stewardess didn't realize it was sticking out from under my seat.
Speaking of stewardesses, what the hell is up with the bitchy help? I am mostly, almost always kind to people and I very nicely asked that she clean my soda can (it was covered with dirt). She looked at me like I should be glad I got a soda in the first place...better yet, I better be glad they let my black a$$ on the plane and in the front no less!! In the end of course she said that she'd be back, but she never came back!
Instead of causing a scene and getting removed from the plane at 20k+ feet I decided to get ghetto with it and use the water in my water bottle and a napkin I happened to have. It worked but I was really annoyed.
Tonight I went out with my girl D and we had a lot of fun. She took me out to karaoke! It was my second time ever (B.E.G. took me and Ja-me and Kris to a gay piano bar not too long ago).
The karaoke bar was a very interesting place with very mystical creatures. I feel like an explorer off visiting foreign lands, observing the native peoples and learning of their ways. These "natives" were very pleasant. My initial impression was that they were not unlike you and me, however as the night progressed and the booze line got longer I became aware that this is simply not the case.
I think the highlight of the night was when a group of guys got together and dropped their pants. I thought it was funny at first. I laughed along with everyone else, until I realized they had no intention of putting their pants back on at all. Then I became terrified as they inched their way closer and closer to our table. Luckily they were mesmerized by some shiny object (light reflecting off of a fresh bottle of beer) and immediately changed their course.
Overall it was a cool night. I didn't sing, but I think we should go karaoke soon (NOTE TO BEG). Preferably to a place where people keep their clothes on all night. I know I'm asking for a lot, but I'm asking anyway.
I'm really not sure what I'm doing tomorrow, or for the rest of my vacation week, but I hope it involves a whole lot of sleeping. That's the problem with staying at other peoples houses while on vacation. You cant sleep as long as you want, you cant lounge all day, you cant walk around in the raw if you want. It really sucks. But the upside is that you're saving a whole hell of a lot of money!
Final thoughts on food:
I love my friends, and would do almost anything for them, but I do not love:
a) sharing my food (I truly enjoy eating a lot, and I suspect that I have a tape worm so I really do need the extra food.)
b) If I decide to share inspite of what the tape worm is telling me to do, PLEASE let me get you your own fork and allow me to put the food onto another plate for you. I HATE when people eat off my plate. If I dont have an extra fork or plate available you might as well not ask for some.
c) I hate when people ask for a "taste" or a "bite". You know damn well that after you get your little "taste" you're gonna want more. Why even torture yourself like that cause I have no problem watching you watch me eat. Just do without this time around, then next time when I offer to buy an extra one for you, you'll take my offer.
Well that's it for now.
"Do the chickens have large talons?"
"This is Rebecca Bloomwood of successful Savings"
Always in love
You have truly lost it. I knew this day would come but I hoped it would be delayed until at least 30. Well, not to fret. Your white jacket and padded room are ready for you.
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