Okay, I have to comment on "Mr. F" aka "Fuffy-Fuffy" bka "Flavor Flav" and "Gitte" aka "Brigitte Nielsen" in the series "Strange Love" on VH1.
I'm appalled! It's insane! The first time I saw the show was by accident. I was channel surfing and happened to pause at the sight of Mr. F snuggling up to Gitte. What a sight! The best way for me to describe it is to liken it to how a malnutritioned, gold toothed, miniature beaver would look straddling an oversized naked panda bear. As I took a minute to process what I was seeing (a show that glorifies lunacy) I couldnt help thinking to myself, "Only a complete moron would watch this crap".
After I'd finished watching every single rerun in the episode recap I came to a very startling realization...I'm an absolute moron.
Bieng the product of a biracial family I have no qualms at all about the interracial aspect, it's the fact that two obviously clinically insane individuals are allowed to roam freely in society that blows me away.
Have you seen the show??? I just cant even believe Sly Stallone was married to Gitte!! I would love to have been a fly on the wall of dear ol' Sly's room when he watched Gitte and Flava hooking up on The Surreal Life. Hilarious!
I hate that I'm hooked on "Strange Love" cause Flava seriously embarrasses me and Gitte seriously frightens me. Still, I thank God for the crazies. May they continue to keep my most monotonous days somewhat interesting.
Always in Love...unless you'd attempt to eat off of my plate.
Phil I really don’t know why we watch. I'm beginning to believe that the TV is sending off ultra hypnotic waves which make it close to impossible for the average person to turn it off.
Flavor Flav is a complete embarrassment, not only to people of color, but also to people in their 40's. He proves why it's so important that people remain in a "learning" mode throughout life.
I believe people should be able to adapt to many different atmospheres - not change their personality completely - just have the ability and common sense to know when to turn off the "extra stuff". You know, have the ability to be respectful and conscious of the other people around and not always make it all about "ME-ME-ME-ME-ME-ME".
But that's just my opinion, and you know what they say about opinions!
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