It's seems that everywhere I turn people are talking about abortion and abortion rights. I’m not sure where I currently stand on these issues but thanks to the recent barrage of media coverage I’ve been considering it lately. I live in a very liberal area of California so an overwhelming majority of what I hear is from a Pro-choice perspective. I actually think that pro-choice is a very fitting title for their set of beliefs. I think that Pro-choicer's (if you will) believe in a women’s choice to murder a baby. No matter how you look at it a normal healthy pregnancy ends in the birth of a child. If a women chooses to end the life of her child (which I believe begins at conception) prior to birth it is murder. Period. It's funny how people seem to ignore or sidestep that fact by focusing on a specific date that an embryo is considered “a viable life” in their opinions.
I believe that God created each of us with the ability to be rational thinkers and gives us free will to exercise this gift. (Okay there are quite a few people I know who are far from rational, our president for example...but that’s another topic all together) I have determined that abortion is not an option that I am personally interested in taking at this point in my life (No, I'm not pregnant...unless the second Immaculate Conception occurred while I was sleeping last night). As adults and unfortunatly teens we all make the occasional bad decision. In our self-absorbed society it seems our primary goal is self-gratification. We have forgotten the value of being responsible for our own actions. Instead of facing our own immorality (myself included) we simply brush mistakes and blunders under the carpet. For some people that means cheating on a spouses, for some it means lying about anything and everything to impress or save face, for others it means killing a child that may not fit into the plans.
Now before you get your panties (or man panties) in a bunch hear me out. I’ve heard all the pre- Roe vs. Wade stories about back alley and coke can abortions. I do realize that for medical reasons some women are unable to carry pregnancies to term without compromising there own lives, and for them abortions can be a necessity. I also realize that some pregnancies stem from terrible circumstances such as rape however I’m still undecided as to weather or not that makes abortion a viable option in my mind. Then we have the women who seem to use abortion as birth control. They completely disgust me. I also feel bad for them because you would have to be deeply disturbed to be comfortable with murdering your own child in lieu of using condoms/birth control or one of the many other options available.
So then there are the Pro-lifer’s (in case you hadn’t noticed already I don’t really consider myself a member of either group). Also an interesting name. They seem to be advocates for the life of the unborn child and the mother but not necessarily in a way that society deems acceptable. It’s no secret that many Pro-lifers use biblical doctrine to substantiate their views. If I was forced to choose between the two groups as a bible believing Christian I would probably choose the pro-life stance however I do see a few problems with this group as well. I am not comfortable with handing over any of my rights to the government. (They don’t really seem to have the best track record) I guess my dilemma is that I believe that abortion is murder and that murder is wrong. I would not hesitate to prosecute a murderer that killed his wife so how could I be comfortable with one type of murderer but not another? I just don’t know.
I guess the only thing I know for sure is that I make decisions for me and no one else (At this point anyway). While I don’t personally condone abortion I respect anyone who chooses to exercise that option. Any way you look at it, it’s a hard choice to make. I still don’t know which side of the coin I’m on so I guess I’ll mull it over a little while longer. I’m tired now so I guess I’ll get off my box and return to my corner. Thanks
Well said, and I truly feel you.
That's a really sensitive subject for some (hell- everything's a sensitive subject nowadays), but our opinions are just that...our OPINION. Concurrence is not an obligation - a little respect will do just fine.
BTW, who said you could leave your corner in the first place??
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