Now this might sound strange to some of you, but if you really think about it you'll see that it's true....Television is the Spawn of Satan!!
I really am beginning to loathe it. I've even tried not watching it for a week. I lasted one day - strike that, I made it a whole 5 hours. I sat in my room reading a book, and every now and again I could feel it calling out to me to turn it on. Clear as day it was talking to me, "Turn me on! Think of what you're missing! It's not hurting anybody. Do it. Do it. Do it..." I tried to ignore it and focus on actually using my brain, but soon I couldn't help but to crumble. I really wanted to see what happened on the newest episode of Scrubs. I love that show....
I'm sooooo weak. This is why I have yet to watch the newest and most acclaimed shows on today (i.e. desperate housewives etc). If I watch I wont be able to stop cause I'll reason that I've already invested my time in getting to know the characters.
I probably could have mastered the guitar by now if I didn't watch so much TV. I usually try to watch TV and practice at the same time which of course doesn't really work since you cant hear the TV when practicing. So I tried to read the TV subtitles while practicing and that didn't work either. As Winnie the Pooh would say, "Oh bother".
I know the TV is just lovin the fact that I don't go to sleep until after midnight each night because I get caught up watching Becker (you should check it out, it's hysterical!). I can hear it laughing at me as I attempt (emphasis on 'attempt') to get up early so that I can get in some quiet (prayer) time, and get to work by 7am. I dont even know why I try cause it's obviously just a pipe dream. Currently I get up at about 8am and do some half-ass'd prayer in my sleep wake state, and make it to work just before 930am if I'm lucky. Of course it's down hill from there.
One of the voices in my head keeps telling me that I've really got to do something about this TV addiction. I've contemplated removing it from my room but I'm thinking this is too rash a move. I mean, where would it go? I have a TV in every single room, including the garage! Sick. I know.
I covered it last week with a towel and that seemed to work for a while until I saw that a corner of the TV was exposed at which point I promptly got up to cover it - which caused me to touch it - which led me to turn it on - and there you go. I'm an addict, what can I say? Knowing is 1/4th the battle.... DONT JUDGE!!!
Tonight I'm going to try again. Maybe I can make it all night. I don't want to give up TV altogether. I just don't want it to have such power over me. If I really tried to analyze it, I guess I'm really bored and unfulfilled in a lot of ways. When the TV's on I guess I can forget that I'm not where I really want to be in my life. Thank God I don't want to analyze it.
A special quote from the Chronicles of Winnie the Pooh:
"I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. "No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way."
Always in love...unless you're a television.
You aint never lied girl.
Get this - when I have to do stuff requiring all my attention, I cant concentrate unless I have the tv on. So what I do is I put in a movie I pretty much know all the lines to and mute the volume.
Let's break the chains of this horrifying oppression together Ja-me.
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