How is it that people can make it through their entire lives without having to grow out of that overly sensitive-needy phase? I have a few friends that are so needy that I NEED to take a break from them from time to time.
One of my friends is worse than all the others. He is totally clingy and sensitive about everything. Once I received a voice mail message from him but couldn’t call him back for a few days. He was sooo upset! In a nutshell he told me that I should check my messages regularly and that I'm rude and insensitive for not returning his call promptly and that I’d better improve on this shortcoming in the future. He didn’t care to ask if I was okay or if I had something big going on in my life that would prevent me from calling him. No. It was all about HIM, HIM, HIM, HIM, HIM - his feelings, his hurt, his loneliness, his needs. So my response was, "Aren’t you married? Don’t you have a spouse? Don’t you have someone who, by law, has to be there for you when you're lonely, bored or horney? So why are you calling me???"
Okay, so I didn’t say the last part, but I should have. That kind of neediness makes my pits itch and my skin crawl. I can’t stand it when people put that kind of pressure on me. It's annoying and unrealistic. They aren’t calling because they really want to take the time to find out how I am. Usually they're only calling because they're bored and just want to find someone to fill the ever present void in their lives.
This is why they get so pissed when you don’t give them the time they think they so rightfully deserve; or why they cant seem to get over you having to cancel a planned get-together (regardless of the reason). I find it funny that these same people expect you to be okie-dokie when they tend to disappear for extended periods of time once they find something or someone else to occupy their precious time.
A few of my friends have actually told me that they don’t think I "have anything better to do" because of my marital status. Now, I may not be married, I may not have rugrats (I mean this in the best possible way as I really do love rugrats), and I may not be involved at the moment but that doesn’t mean I just sit in a corner of my house twiddling my toes and trying to figure out if I can really make my bum grow 2 sizes in 10 days like the ad says (does anyone know if this is possible?).
Surprise-surprise! I have a life just like all the married with children people out there. There's work, God, work, school, work, homework, work, bands, work, guitar lessons, work, guitar practice, work, food, work, sleep, work, work, work. As you can see my life is as full as anyone else’s. So if I don’t return your call IMMEDIATELY don’t take it personal and don’t lash out at me. It doesn’t matter if you don’t think my activities are as important or significant as yours! They’re significant to ME!
Gone are the days of Jr. High where you would disown your best friend if she missed one of your long drawn out monologues on how much you lu-u-uv (love) your boyfriend. We're adults now with adult responsibilities and higher priorities. Get with the program fool.
These retards are still my friends, but they take so much work, time and energy that I tend to shy away from them causing them to get even more pissed at me. With all the normal stresses I have in my life I don’t think that stress to maintain a "friendship" should be one of them. All the pressure involved in some of my many friendships makes me want to crawl into a hole and become a hermit.
So BEG & Ja-me, if I don’t return your call or don’t answer my phone for a period of time it's because I'm recuperating from one of my draining friends who don’t “put in” but constantly “pull out” (BEG - get your mind out of the gutter, please).
Always in love…unless you drain me dry.
Hey!!! My mind wasn't in the gutter....okay maybe it was but just a little bit.
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