I suppose a small explanation is in order. You may (or may not) have noticed that this blog has acquired two additional contributors. For the last year this blog has been authored solely by B.E.G. I originally started blogging to document the strange occurrences in my daily life however I felt it was time for a change. Due to hellatious schedules and lifestyle changes my co-conspirators and I have found it extremely difficult to keep up with each others lives......So, I figured why not try a group blog. The three of us have been friends since high school (almost 15 years.....Damn I'm getting old). We have been through kids, marriages, ups, downs, relationships, fights, all the usual BS I guess. Anyway until further notice this blog will have 3 authors.
1) B.E.G- The original writer....no further explanation needed.
2) Je-me- The married mommy with a terrible shopping addiction. (she has several other problems but I won't put all her business in the street)
2) Lambchop- I'm not sure why she chose to call herself lambchop but so be it. I can't even begin to explain her so I'll let her do it herself.
Consider yourself warned!
Can't tell you it's a secret.
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