Y'all are way too much! I loved reading your comments! My replies were getting kinda wordy so I decided to make them into a new post.
Unfortunately kids dont come out understanding that they should revere authority/parental figures...it must be taught!!!
Praise to all you parents out there that have not crumbled every time your kid cries and tells you they hate you because you wont give in to ridiculous requests that will hinder their growth....
Like my Pastor says, "you either pay now, or you pay later...with interest!"
A Quick One or Two:
My friend actually almost got into a fight with a lady in a grocery store because she saw that the womans little boy was knocking items off the shelf onto the floor. When my friend commented to her about her child, the mother had a fit and started cursing her out! How sad is that? I guess that old saying, "it takes a village to raise a child" doesnt apply anymore.
I believe we (the community -AKA- village) should have the right to beat the hell out of YOUR kids in public if YOU (the parent) wont. There is a fine line between "child abuse" and "discipline". The difference is that with discipline the parent would explain to the child in a loving way why they have to beat the bejeezes out of the kid so that the kid will understand their part in the situation. This way if the kid passes out you shouldnt feel too bad (you know I'm joking!).
Did anyone see the Nanny on Monday night??? Crazy! There was a little 3 year old boy who only pee's outside (on the lawn, bushes, plants on the side of the house, curb...etc). The mom actually walks him outside like he's a freaking schnauzer to do his business on the lawn!! Then she tells the little boy she's proud of him since he's making the plants grow!!! The mom & dad have also been sleeping with their kids since birth (the eldest was 7 I think)! I'm telling you, some people are sick.
Hey Dee:
Girl your usernames are killing me!!LOMAO @ "...and they wonder why lil Shaniqua is failing all her classes and Devontaye jr. stole part of the rent money...."
ManNMotion & BEG:
You know what? If you guys DO have kids I WOULD watch them...as long as they dont act up like BEG's little brother used to ;-)
Girl you are too funny! A military chick like me and my family! Oh, and Tiki...please dont kick the kids! LMAO!
I'm scared of you! "Give me 30 min with those unruly kids. I would have them scared to breath wrong"!
Shirazi & Courtney Eliza:
Thanks for visiting our blog! Come back now, ya hear!
That's real. It isnt until their kids are on trial for some horrible crime that they begin to wonder if maybe they should've been just a little bit more strict on them.
Needless to say, society would probably frown down on beating someone’s kids till they pass out...but if it's necessary, it's just necessary :-)
The Saga:
That's a trip. When I was little (about 7) my cousin, sister and I got our a$$ beat for stealing ALL the tea and sugar packets out of a doctors office. When she beat us, my sister and I knew to cry after the first snap of the belt like our skin was going to fall off, but my cousin had to be a hard a$$ and hold back on the tears!! That caused our beating to go on for a longer than necessary (I guess because my mom had to make sure we really felt it!!)...I still get on my cousin about that!
On "Beat'em till the white meat show" - I know how you do! I can hear you beat'n them kids over the phone!!
I gotta see that video clip! Send it to me if you still have it: lambchops_101@hotmail.com
Girl, you know that woman wasnt trying to sit in the front. She was conveniently sitting in the middle, far enough from the front not to be noticed, but close enough to see. I wish the Pastor HAD said something! That would've been hilarious!
Jez Chill:
Toys are good tools, but I think you should just put your rugrat in children’s service to avoid any sporadic outbursts of pleasure while playing with said toys!
As Napoleon Dynamite would say, "Luckyyyyy!"
You were a counselor at a youth center? You had to have a very high tolerance level! I dont think I could've done that - strike that - I KNOW I couldnt have done that!
LOL @ "...those will be the ones we see in upcoming episodes of C.O.P.S"! Sad but true!
Always in love...HAVE A GREAT DAY!!
WTH? I can't see how a mom can treat her kid like dog. I had to go see the clip on Fox's website. Looks like I missed an excellent episode. Oh well.
"I believe we (the community -AKA- village) should have the right to beat the hell out of YOUR kids in public if YOU (the parent) wont."
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