NOTE - PLEASE TAKE THE SONGBIRDS POLL IN RED ON THE RIGHT - THANKS! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know that I said I wouldnt blog until after Ja-me next posts, but I had to get this off my chest. I saw on the channel 7 news that a human finger was discovered in a bowl of Wendy's fast food chili today in San Jose, Ca!!! Go Here To View The News Video: ABC7 News Top Stories Here's the run down: a lady in her 20's was happily eating her chili (just as I do almost daily). She got a really good spoon full and stuffed it into her mouth. She tried to chew the savory meat chunk and noticed she couldnt bite through it. She promptly spat the thickness out into a napkin and peered at it. And there, in her napkin, lay an inch long finger complete with an intact finger nail! She thrust the napkin onto another patrons table and told them what she had been chewing and sucking on and they began to gag (they too were eating Wendy's delicious chili). When they went to the counter to inform the employees, they were told that it was just a large vegetable and continued to sell the chili to other patrons. Police eventually came on the scene at which point all chili sales halted. I am disgusted and appalled!!! I loved that chili!!! Ja-me & Beg can attest! It was just so rich and tangy, so flavorful and meaty! Now I just dont know if I'll ever be able to look at that little red headed girl the same. WHO THE HELL GETS THEIR FINGER RIPPED OFF AND DOESNT TELL ANYONE ABOUT IT???? Currently the health folks are doing the whole investigation deal by making rounds to all the factories and having the employees show that they arent missing any far nothing. Now I'm thinking...if this could happen to my beloved chili, it could happen anywhere! I know this goes without saying, but it never hit home like this before! I think I finally got the jolt I needed to start a healthier lifestyle. Goodbye Wendy's chili. We had a good run. Gas be dayumed! We had such a good thing! But now it's over. It's just all over.... Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why????!!!! This reminds me of an incident I had with my ex boyfriend Mr. Pillsbury Dough Boy (before the circus midget - Click Here To Read About Him: Attack of the Jack ass Circus Midget and The Empire Strikes Back Agains The Jackass Circus Midget) about 7 years ago:One morning I was watching a honey nut cherrios commercial and I was really craving it (BEG & I used to eat cereal all day, every single day...frosted flakes remember BEG???). I asked Mr. Pillsbury Dough Boy to go to the store and get me some (it's not like he had any other responsibilities). I explicitly told him NOT to go to the ghetto store on the corner that always had rodents and crack heads hanging around it. He promised...PROMISED!!! He came back with my cherrios and I dug in. I was shoveling it like a big dawg (I was fresh out of the Army and that's just how we ate). I wasnt looking at my bowl, I was just going at it. For some reason I decided to look down before the next spoonful hit my lips, and I saw them. Millions of little larva maggots hibernating inside each and every O with some furry *ish surrounding them!!!! I threw up right there. I was sick for days. We almost broke up over that *ish!! He told me he was too tired to go the extra 2 blocks to the "clean" store for me so he LIED and said he did! I didnt eat cereal for 4 years straight, and when I first started to eat it again I always-ALWAYS checked it out before I ate...and I mean emptied the entire contents into a large bowl and sifted through it with microscopic vision. I'm traumatized again. Oh Food Why Cant They Just Let Us Be Happy??? Always in love...unless your sick a$$ will allow a shipment of meat to go out with your detached finger in it without alerting someone, thereby ruining the relationship I have with my local Wendy's establishment...sick bastard!!! Lambchop~
See...that's why I told you to stop eating that chili crap from Wendys. You need to stick to beef like me. :-)
Oh my goodness, you are TOO funny. My coworkers are starting to look at me funny. I don't eat the Wendy's chili but I do like Wendy's. Sad to say, they're now on the list of places I won't eat :-(
Was it like chewing on your thumb when you're a kid? I was hoping the story was a hoax, but it's reported everywhere!
Your cereal story reminded me of an incident that happened years ago in high school (before lawsuits, dang!). I had just enough time at lunch to take the bus to Kwik-Way,buy lunch,catch the bus back to school-eating while waiting for the bus. Me-being the type of person who ALWAYS has to eat dessert, orders a slice of apple pie, just when I cut into it, I noticed it had "raisins" in it. Hmmmm...interesting, but I like raisins so I shrugged it off, until I noticed them "raisins" had legs!! IT WAS A COCKROACH!!! Thank God I didn't take a bite yet! I tossed it out & was grossed out! Blah!
I'm believing the rumuors. I think the lady brought her own finger off a corpse and dropped it in to get some money.
They said no Wendy's employees or anyone in the chain of meat has lost a finger.
LOL at the thought that someone lost a finger and kept it quiet.
So what's for lunch?
If you ever go to the meat department at a grocery store, or a meat packing plant, you'll notice that lots of people are missing a few fingers.
But never mind all that, apparently you had a good experience eating lambchops?
Dam that's soooo nasty........I almost thew up just reading it...I am paranoid about bus being in flour and old cake mix and stuff....Me and the kids only get baked potatoes and nuggets from Wendys..........great post....nasty
NASTY!!! Where did the finger come from??? After reading your blog I feel obligated to tell my father in law about the incident. He is a Wendy's chili lover. I hope you don't mind but I had to post the story on my blog after reading yours! That is just too nasty! So much for Wendy's chili!! I will never eat it again. A lady here in Utah found a tooth in her Cambell's chicken noodle soup. It was on the news. To make matters worse, she was feeding the soup to her baby!
LMAO, Love that part about Cheerios . . . I guess it just don't pay sometimes to support the hood!
ewwwwwww.....I LOVE WENDYS, although i must say, i've never had their it's a GOOD DAMN THANG!....i hope that madness in San Jose, doesnt spread down here to Los Angeles.....maybe that's why the Wendy's looked kinda slow today...lmao.....good post...thanks for the heads up...
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