Monday, February 07, 2005

The Empire Strikes Back Against The Worthless Jacka$$ Circus Midget!!

The Empire (me) has struck back against the Worthless Jacka$$ Circus Midget!! (Go HERE to get caught up)

Okay, well maybe "struck back" isn’t completely accurate. The point is that new information is now available regarding my quest to regain membership with my gym.

I called the gym's corporate offices last week and got confirmation that Mr. Circus Midget indeed cancelled me just as the local gym had stated. I was also informed that "it" inquired about a possible refund on MY membership, but since we had the membership since 2002 we were way past the refund date. Now how sick is that?? Have you ever met anyone as freakin' cheap and miserly as that? I actually have some additional insight into "its" sickness that I'll write about later in this post.

So I ask the corporate rep whether she would be able to send me ALL of the information in writing so I can take "it" to court. She said she wasnt supposed to, so in desperation I gave her a brief synopsis of my experience. After she finished gasping in awe at the dastardly bastardness of Mr. Circus Midget she told me to hold on. When she returned she told me that she was going to pretend that I was still on the account and that she would move me over to my own account with the same exact terms as before. I dont have to pay a thing! She told me that what Mr. Circus Midget did was horrible, and that this way I wont have to deal with "it" at all. The only downside is that "it" got away with not having to pay for "its" wife's (Mrs. Waste Of Space Circus Midget) membership, AND "it" thinks "it" got away with screwing me over.

I'm a little torn about this. I thank God soooo much for blessing me to have received favor from the gym corporate headquarters and I know that I really dont want to deal with the Circus Freak ever again - but I really have a problem with "it" even thinking "it" got over on me. I want "it" to suffer - in "its" wallet that is. "Its" money is "its" heart so that's where I would like for "it" to suffer. I do have another idea for payback, but I cant very well request that God shrink "it" anymore than "it" already is. I mean, I'm not sadistic.

If I didnt know that God had everything worked out already I wouldnt be able to help but be a little disappointed. I mean, "its" a complete rats a$$ and "its" got this HIGH paying job, and "it" just sold "its" first house as a real estate agent. "Its" prospering and I'm wondering whether or not there's a future for me in the Pimp & Hoe business (as the Pimp of course).

I keep fantasizing on how God'll deal with "it" . I do pray for "it" so I guess "it" could change and "its" heart be renewed and "it" become a better person (or thing) through it all. On the other hand, "it" could loose everything "it" owns and end up having to be my Hoe who I will most definitely slap around and disrespect every opportunity I get.... Naw. I am so completely kidding. I do not in anyway support the exploitation and degradation of Hoes. They have feelings and rights just like the rest of us. Respect the Hoe.

Anywho... I wanted to show just how very selfish, stingy and cheap my ex-a$$ wipe the Circus Midget actually is. The best example is the whole paying child support issue. "Its" daughter (until recently) lived back south so "it" only saw her on special occasions and holidays though "it" did talk to her daily.

Instead of paying child support "it" decided to be a total chickens a$$ and set up a checking account for "its" daughter. In theory this sounds nice and generous, but not when "it" makes "its" babies momma call "it" and beg "it" for money whenever their daughter needs things like shoes or supplies. In my mind "its" just as bad as those guys who completely shun their fatherly responsibilities.

The mother of your child has to raise the kid, shape the kids mind, feed them, rear them, deal with all their kid crap and attitude, worry about bullies, work, go to school, attempt to have a life of her own...etc. If I was a babies momma I'd be damned if I would ever "beg" the father for money. If you dont wanna pay willingly, I'll take it by tight fisted peon piece of crap.

The following are things I hated about dating the waste of space Mr. Circus Midget:

1) Mr. Circus midget was too freaky. Once while relaxing on the sofa watching tv with "it" I couldnt help but to marvel at how "its" feet stopped at the middle of my calf. This makes one feel that they are cuddling with a small child and thoughts of pedophilia come to mind (eewwww!!!)

2) In theaters it is customary in the beginning of a relationship for the guy to wrap his arm around the gals shoulders. Unfortunately because Mr. Circus Midget's arms couldnt fully reach around I had to sit on the edge of my chair turned slightly away from the big screen just so that "it" could feel like a man. I had a crick in my neck by the end of the flick.

3) Mr. Circus Midget and I went to a concert where it is customary for a guy to stand behind the gal with his arms wrapped around her waist in a lovingly romantic embrace. Unfortunately it isn't so romantic when you KNOW the guy cant see around you and so he has to keep popping his head out to the side to get a glimpse of the stage pretending he can see just fine. It also wasnt very romantic when I had to end up standing behind "it" with my arms wrapped around "its" waist...

4) Most women love high heel shoes (I'm one of 'em) and most men (short and tall) love to see women wearing high heels. Once Mr. Midget and I had to go to a friends engagement party and I decided to wear heels again (after a long hiatus). When "it" met me at the front door "it" stared at my shoes for a long time. Then "it" started jumping up and down and flailing "its" arms around while yelling, "Are you tryin' to embarrass me or something?" It appears that Mr. Circus Midget wasnt as confident as it originally portrayed during the lovey-dovey stage (dirty bastard). "It" ended up walking in front of me the entire party and "it" refused to hold my hand all night.

5) The whole "heels" thing is a big issue to me. I stopped wearing them when I started dating "it" I guess because I could tell "it" had a problem with them. If "it" would've been more secure I probably would've continued wearing them. My feeling is that if "it" wasnt confident enough to let me be me and wear heels, then maybe "it" wasnt confident enough to be with a taller woman. Maybe "it" should've stuck with action figure sized women so that "it" could look like a freaking basketball player.

6) When holding hands with Mr. Circus Midget I hated that his hands were sooo much smaller than mine. It was like holding a young boys #1 again (eewww!!)

Now I take full responsibility for sticking in there so long with all my qualms about "it", but in my defense...oh hell. I have no excuse.

Enough outta me.

Always in love...unless you refuse to be responsible and pay child support to the mother/mothers of your child/children.


Once again I must reiterate the P.S. from my other post:

P.S. I apologize to anyone who considers themselves a midget, dwarf or "vertically challenged" individual who may have been reading this post and were inadvertently offended. I have nothing but love for you all! My ex-circus midget boyfriend was an a$$hole because of his character not because of his height.


Meka said...

I can understand not wanting him to think he got over on you. The old me would have still taken his ass to court just on gp, but the new me is trying to rise above that kind of bs. Just let it go... it's been my experience that what goes around comes around. He'll get his. Just walk away with the knowledge that you're the bigger person. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Chops said...

I'm definitely letting it go. I too believe that you reap what you sow. Oooh but it's such a struggle to let it go!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, didn't want to set up the chat thing so I'll say hey here. I hope, for all of us, that this is the last entry concerning Mr. Circus Midget...Moving on to bigger (I repeat, BIGGER) and better things! Love you Lambchop! -bohemianqueen

Anonymous said...

Lambchop- Your talent is being wasted! This is brilliant, not to mention a realll giggle. Also "hanging on to it" doesnt mean wearing it like a headache, it just guides you to larger & taller... Now when "it" falls on his midgets bumm, you'll be there looking beautiful, with "larger and taller". You were to much for the silly shit Lambchop. Keep writing. A.C.

Chops said...

Hey A.C.-
Thanks for checking out our blog. I appreciate your words of wisdom! However, Mr. Circus Midget is already so close to the ground I doubt I'd be able to tell if he DID fall on his bumm. All jokes aside, I'm really letting it go...until he does something else to piss me off (Bastardo).

P.S. Do you have a blog address so we can check it out??

Ka said...

Loving your blog,3 dangerous minds here!!. You have me crying from laughter with tales of "it".Guy sounds like a moron,you can't waste your energy on that one,karma will get him,it always does...

AMES said...

He sounds cheap like a midget I dated. I don't think he had any children though but he was from somewhere in the back of some woods in the South and didn't grow up with dental insurance. You describe the trauma with such humourl.

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