Since one of my goals for this year is to open up emotionally I figure this is as good a time as any to start. God has blessed me with many things in my life. My family, health, a job, etc...But one of the gifts I am most thankful for is my friends. Some people spend a lifetime without ever making a real connection with another person. I have been blessed with several close friends but today I will talk about two that I have known for over half my life. (Lambchop and Je-Me) I don't think either of them is aware of what an impact they have made in my life so I'll take this opportunity to tell them.
Je-ME: You are one of the strongest people I have ever met. (I know you are tired of hearing that but it's true so get over it.) When I am frustrated with life’s obstacles I think about all of the things I have not only seen you overcome but conquer and realize that I will overcome as well. You are an amazing mother, friend, wife, daughter, and woman of God, and I am blessed to have a person like you in my life. Even though adult life does not permit us to hang out like we use to (on Fletcher!!) when we do get the chance it's like we never missed a beat. I look forward to the years ahead and know that we will always be connected. (I'll even help you find your denture cause we know your gonna need them) I luv ya girl. (And no, not in a sick and twisted way!)
Lambchop:(It really disturbs me to call you that) You are one of the most supportive people in my life (when you're listening :-). Even though we've been through ups (Eros), and downs (End of Eros), and ups (College roommates), and downs (trying to drown each other), and ups (Hot Tub Parties), and downs (Traffic court Evasion) You have always been there for me and I value that more than you will ever know. You are selfless, giving, forgiving, talented, and beautiful and I luv you like a baby turtle. I can only hope that some day my walk with God will be as strong as yours. I am SO blessed and thankful to have you as my sister in Christ and in life. (When we are old I promise not to pass gas and blame it on you)
I Luv you guys.....There, I said it so don't bother me about it anymore Lamachop. Also don't expect the no hugging rule to change anytime soon either. (Unless I have been drinking then all bets are off)
PS: I guess I could have included K.K in this post but she doesn't have a computer so she wouldn't read it anyway.
he-he!.....Thanks Phil.
Lambchop invited me to read a posting and I happened to read this posting as well...I have a computer...I wasn't invited to the lovefest? Where's my warm and fuzzy? -bohemianqueen
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