I though Lambchops post about ticket master was a bit extreme but tonight I realized that she was right. Ticket master is the spawn of satan!!!! I had planned to see Goapele at Yoshi's tonight but apparently Ticket Master had other plans for my evening. I arrived at the venue 2 hours early because I wanted to have dinner and a few drinks before the show. Plus, if present your ticket prior to dinning they automatically hold seat for you in the front seating area. Anyway I arrive, give them my credit card and get wonderful news from the host. He condescendingly says "Okay, so how did you get your tickets again? (pause) because we have no record of it." So I think to myself maybe I gave him the wrong credit card...lets try another one. Well needless to say that wasn't the one either. I ask him to check the computer to confirm that my ticket was not for another night or another show. He rolls his eyes, checks the computer, then turns around and says "Your names not even in the computer and the show is sold out so it's up to you to figure it out" and hands back my credit card. Okay, so at this point I'm trying to convince myself that bitch slapping him would not be a good idea and I'm biting my tongue so that I don't say anything un-lady like. My dinner reservation was scheduled for 8:15 and it was 8:10 so I decided to go to dinner and try calling the credit card companies. I called every credit card company I could think of and none of them had a record of any charges from ticket master. I know I'm forgetful sometimes but damn!!! I know I would not have forgotten to buy the tickets. Well after the 6th shot of Sake I was feeling a little better and decided that I would just watch the show (minus the sound) at the bar (which I later discovered was a very bad idea). Several shots later I left the bar and headed home and no I wasn't driving.
So I get home and decide to blog about it and what do I find!?!!!!! Wouldn't you know it...the receipt for the tickets. And what did it say?!!! Today’s date and 10:00pm. It seems that ticket master had a flub and never actually charged my account and never forwarded my name to Yoshi’s so no show for me. BITCHES!!!!!!!
So here I sit on my couch angry, sick and pissed off.
Also FYI sushi and excessive Sake is a very very bad idea even if it seems like a good idea at the time.
Thank You
Ticketmaster is indeed "the devil", I wanted to go postal on them last year. Great post..
That is some bullshit. I would have taken that receipt back and mushed it on the guy's head. "Bitch, I did buy my ticket!!!"
Make sure they don't charge your card later on. That sounds like it was set up to be a nice evening. Darn Ticketmasters
That's what I'm talk'n bout.
I finally found some black folks bolgg'n. Soul sista, I can tell already that check'n on you every now n nin is going to be fun. Don't let "Satan's spawn" get you down.
Keep blogging. I'll holla.
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