Saturday, March 19, 2005

blah, blah, blah

What it is yall, Whatzup, (whatzup) Can a playa just keep in (in touch) … Sorry blame it on the late night BET (uncut) videos (note to self don’t ever watch this isht again) I have seen some chicks do some things I didn't ’ even know were possible (okay so maybe I did know about some of it). Anyway, after a 60-hour 6-day work week my version of Sunday afternoon has finally arrived. It’s Thursday night at 4:20am and as usual I am wide awake (even after two glasses of wine…which may explain this post…No J, drinking alone does not make you an alcoholic).

I don’t know WTF is up with blogger tonight. I can’t seem to comment on anything.

So I’ve been reminiscing about things I miss and would like to experience again (probably a result of the wine) so I figured I’d share.

I Miss

- Saturday morning cartoons. Especially “The Street Frogs” which no one seems to remember. I also miss "The Smurfs and how they exchanged regular words for the word “Smurfy”. For example: It’s a smurfy day! Translation: It’s a lovely day. Or I’m gonna Smurf the Smurf out of Smurfette (the only female smurf). You can translate that one yourself.

- The debt free days of my youth.
- Paden leather Mary Janes. I still have Paden leather shoes but now they are stilettos. (We be rocking stilettos!) Sorry videos are still on.
- Cotton Candy Now N Laters. (SP?)
- The “Above the Rim” soundtrack.
- Lionel Ritchie. I’m not ashamed to admit I used to be a closet Lionel Ritchie fan.
- Pre Crack Whitney, or perhaps I should say pre Cocaine because as she said “ I don’t smoke crack. Crack is cheap!”
- Being naïve.
- Size 2.
- Sleeping at night.
- The smell of leather and peppermint. (don’t ask)
- Soul train with Don Cornelius and that Asian girl with the long hair.
- My grandmother’s banana pudding.
- Listening to my parents’ record collection.
- My mother, grandmothers, or aunts, washing and pressing my hair in the kitchen. (I don’t miss the burns that happened when I forgot to hold my ear)
- My dad.
- The smell of greens cooking (guess I should learn to make them myself).
-The theme songs from Taxi, Dynasty, and the Love Boat.
-Good Times.
-Riding my bike in Golden Gate Park with my brother.
- Sunday school/church.
-The days of delayed gratification.
-What do you miss?

….So gimme your number and I'’ll call (I’ll call) And I'll follow that *ss in the mall (in the mall) ...



The G Perspective said...

I do remember street frogs. I'm deathly afraid of and fascinated by frogs though so that's why. I miss G.I.Joe's. the new ones suck.

Jez Chill said...

I misss... riding my bike with my boys, since I didn't have my license yet... taped some playing cards through thee spokes... when there were sidewalks... and no one stole your bike... everything's all good... until the street lights came on.

Chops said...

I miss Mint Condition's One Hit wonder per year ("Pretty Brown Eyes you know I see you. It's a disguise the way you treat me....") . I miss JEM (Jem is truly outrageous, truly truly truly outrageous). I miss the Karate Kid (wax on, wax off). I miss the days when Disney Land was actually exciting and fun. I miss summer love (until you find out the object of your affection was sleeping with some hoe in the back of the canteen). I miss the Fugees. I miss lolli-pop rings. I miss birthday parties and real icing on cakes (not that fake whipped cream or butter cream crap). I miss Shaft (dayum right). I miss watching "The Monkeys" on Nickelodeon (I admit it!!). I miss "Spin-wheel" on Nickelodeon ("spin-wheel spin-wheel spinning around. Look at my spin-wheel and see what I found...."). I miss dance off's. I miss dance routines created for dance off's.

I miss way more stuff, but I think I should stop here before I cry :-)


VAR said...

Hey these are some great memories that take me back as well.. I can hear and feel everything you described including that current banger that you were Funny thing though, I heard that song every 30 minutes on the radio back in October when I was traveling from Georgia to Texas. Now it's getting mad airplay out here on the westcoast... (follow that a$$ to the mall...)

But anyway, I hope you dont mind me dropping by. I happened to stumble upon this really cool blog today and I must say that I have enjoyed my visit. Y'all are very funny, cool and beautiful too.. Hope you have an incredible week.. WarmBlessings..

B.E.G said...

@Coley- Hey! 2 years make a big difference.

@Kelly-Not older, better.

@G- Afraid and fascinated by frogs?....And I though my squirel phobia was bad. :-)

@Jez Chill- LOL at "taped some playing cards through the spokes" I rushed home many nights trying to beat the street lights.

@Chops- We should have a dance off right now!

@NapKaboom- Singing along..Sometimes the answer can be hard to find, That's something I will never be. I'm always here, for anything you need!

@Var- I am so sick of that song! Thanks for stopping by!

@Ja-me: Tell Ami and Rela I will be there at 7am for the smurfs...Oh, and I am not in denial!!!

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