What it is yall, Whatzup, (whatzup) Can a playa just keep in (in touch)
Sorry blame it on the late night BET (uncut) videos (note to self dont ever watch this isht again) I have seen some chicks do some things I didn't even know were possible (okay so maybe I did know about some of it). Anyway, after a 60-hour 6-day work week my version of Sunday afternoon has finally arrived. Its Thursday night at 4:20am and as usual I am wide awake (even after two glasses of wine
which may explain this post
No J, drinking alone does not make you an alcoholic).
I dont know WTF is up with blogger tonight. I cant seem to comment on anything.
So Ive been reminiscing about things I miss and would like to experience again (probably a result of the wine) so I figured Id share.
I Miss
- Saturday morning cartoons. Especially The Street Frogs which no one seems to remember. I also miss "The Smurfs and how they exchanged regular words for the word Smurfy. For example: Its a smurfy day! Translation: Its a lovely day. Or Im gonna Smurf the Smurf out of Smurfette (the only female smurf). You can translate that one yourself.
- The debt free days of my youth.
- Paden leather Mary Janes. I still have Paden leather shoes but now they are stilettos. (We be rocking stilettos!) Sorry videos are still on.
- Cotton Candy Now N Laters. (SP?)
- The Above the Rim soundtrack.
- Lionel Ritchie. Im not ashamed to admit I used to be a closet Lionel Ritchie fan.
- Pre Crack Whitney, or perhaps I should say pre Cocaine because as she said I dont smoke crack. Crack is cheap!
- Being naïve.
- Size 2.
- Sleeping at night.
- The smell of leather and peppermint. (dont ask)
- Soul train with Don Cornelius and that Asian girl with the long hair.
- My grandmothers banana pudding.
- Listening to my parents record collection.
- My mother, grandmothers, or aunts, washing and pressing my hair in the kitchen. (I dont miss the burns that happened when I forgot to hold my ear)
- My dad.
- The smell of greens cooking (guess I should learn to make them myself).
-The theme songs from Taxi, Dynasty, and the Love Boat.
-Good Times.
-Riding my bike in Golden Gate Park with my brother.
- Sunday school/church.
-The days of delayed gratification.
-What do you miss?
.So gimme your number and I'll call (Ill call) And I'll follow that *ss in the mall (in the mall) ...
I do remember street frogs. I'm deathly afraid of and fascinated by frogs though so that's why. I miss G.I.Joe's. the new ones suck.
I misss... riding my bike with my boys, since I didn't have my license yet... taped some playing cards through thee spokes... when there were sidewalks... and no one stole your bike... everything's all good... until the street lights came on.
I miss Mint Condition's One Hit wonder per year ("Pretty Brown Eyes you know I see you. It's a disguise the way you treat me....") . I miss JEM (Jem is truly outrageous, truly truly truly outrageous). I miss the Karate Kid (wax on, wax off). I miss the days when Disney Land was actually exciting and fun. I miss summer love (until you find out the object of your affection was sleeping with some hoe in the back of the canteen). I miss the Fugees. I miss lolli-pop rings. I miss birthday parties and real icing on cakes (not that fake whipped cream or butter cream crap). I miss Shaft (dayum right). I miss watching "The Monkeys" on Nickelodeon (I admit it!!). I miss "Spin-wheel" on Nickelodeon ("spin-wheel spin-wheel spinning around. Look at my spin-wheel and see what I found...."). I miss dance off's. I miss dance routines created for dance off's.
I miss way more stuff, but I think I should stop here before I cry :-)
Hey these are some great memories that take me back as well.. I can hear and feel everything you described including that current banger that you were singing..lol. Funny thing though, I heard that song every 30 minutes on the radio back in October when I was traveling from Georgia to Texas. Now it's getting mad airplay out here on the westcoast... (follow that a$$ to the mall...)
But anyway, I hope you dont mind me dropping by. I happened to stumble upon this really cool blog today and I must say that I have enjoyed my visit. Y'all are very funny, cool and beautiful too.. Hope you have an incredible week.. WarmBlessings..
@Coley- Hey! 2 years make a big difference.
@Kelly-Not older, better.
@G- Afraid and fascinated by frogs?....And I though my squirel phobia was bad. :-)
@Jez Chill- LOL at "taped some playing cards through the spokes" I rushed home many nights trying to beat the street lights.
@Chops- We should have a dance off right now!
@NapKaboom- Singing along..Sometimes the answer can be hard to find, That's something I will never be. I'm always here, for anything you need!
@Var- I am so sick of that song! Thanks for stopping by!
@Ja-me: Tell Ami and Rela I will be there at 7am for the smurfs...Oh, and I am not in denial!!!
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