Let me start by saying that Curvy's post was hilarious! Check her out if you dont already know...click here - "Powerful Curves".
So lately this new vanilla guy (a tall one!!) at work has been diggin on me (and this is not scabby upper lip midget guy who happens to still be sporting the red ring around the lips). I dont know what it is. Around spring/summer I usually attract men of Middle Eastern decent so this is something new.
I work with the guy and he came by during the week I was moving on up, (movin on up) to the east side, (movin on up) to a deluxe sized rat cage in the sky....oopps! Jefferson flash back (take this Jeffersons' quiz).
Anyways, I was moving up to the "better side" of the office into a "larger" rat cage with a "view", when the guy comes up to me and starts talking to me. I've seen this guy around the office before and always give the polite half nod when passing in the hallway, but in no way do I KNOW this man.
After a few conversations in my new rat cage I figured he was pretty cool so he's been promoted from total stranger to office acquaintance. Over the last week he's been stopping by more frequently and acting a bit school boyish around me. In addition, he's begun sending me odd emails throughout the day.
I am in no way interested in him for anything more than a friend for many reasons (for one - he reminds me of a middle aged Shaggy from Scooby Doo, and two - he sometimes twitches when he talks...I'm not surprised as I tend to attract the crazies!) and I thought I was sending the right "let's just be friends" signals, but I think I may be getting my wires crossed cause he doesnt seem to be getting it.
How do you send the message that you're not into a person when they havent blatantly come out and admitted their crush on you?
I've always had a problem in this area. Growing up I was the "cute" one...you know...the little sister type. Back then if you couldnt sit a glass of water on your backside, didnt have trouble sliding a hoola hoop over your curvy hips and didnt have the tendency to knock items over with your freshly grown frontal ornaments, you were just "cute" and not "FINE". And since I didnt meet any of these requirements, I never really had many guys vying for my attention.
So now when I get guys sending all of these passive signals instead of being upfront about their feelings I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place, never having the consistent experience in dealing with these types of situations. I wish they'd just be upfront instead of trying to sneak the love on you. Then I could just give them the "let's just be friends" talk.
I'd like to be cool with this guy at work, but I dont want to lead him on in any way. Lord knows another stalker would be the end of me! Any suggestions? Oh, let me add that I dont want to be needlessly cruel or rude either.
Always in love...unless I dont like you like that and you dont get the hints I'm throwing!
First of all I was the "cute" one not you!!! (Don't make me shank you.) Secondly the best way for you to let him know you are not interested is to bitch slap him in front of a large group of people....or you could always show him that extra part you have :-) J/K.
...also I am just a little bit tired of all you gorgeous skinny girls complaining because your ass isn't big enough. Do you know how much work goes into maintaining one!!! I should probably be at the gym right now!
That's it for now but consider yourself warned!!!
What the hell have you been smoking tonight? Put the crack pipe down and back away from the flame!!!
And by the way...you were considered the "fine" one remember?
"Mama, I smoked the TV" he-he
Since I can't post in the chatterbox thing or on any other blog for that matter (I hate blogger) I guess I'll just comment here.
Question: What are his spiritual beliefs? If those are straight, maybe you can get him on some medication for that twitch and make it work.
Or, you could try to keep some distance and not encourage him. I think it's important to have some patience as long as people are respectful. Our minds have a way of filling in the blanks before we get to know someone. That's why things are so exciting at the beginning and why they can ultimately be so frustrating. Maybe you'll end up as friends someday. Even if the medication doesn't work out:)
BTW, you two are funny, and I was in no way trying to turn this into a serious conversation:)
Cute title. I like the public slap. But when he talks to you, you could be super distracted, looked confused and keep saying "what did you say." Then clearly not listen as he repeats himself.
He may realize you aren't even interested enough to listen.
Next time he comes in yappin at the mouth, ask him this:
"Do you think my boyfriend will like what I have on today?"
I have some other alternatives, but they're all of the "back-off-bytch" variety.
And I'l be glad to tell you and BEG which of you is fine and which is cute. And I'll render that service free of charge... *wink*
Love your blog! Just had to get that out of the way.
I've had this come up and what seems to work is the following phrase (usu out of the blue): "I'm so glad I have a guy that I can be cool with. Most guys act like their my friends but are trying for more. It's nice to hang out with someone who's a true buddy."
He either has to own up to his secret agenda (thereby opening up the "just friends" talk), or forever hold his peace.
Guilt is your friend. :)
See you have upgraded(literaly) from stumpy men,i think Curvys approach is the best cos there's no confusion as to where you stand and whatever feelings he may harbouring for you are crushed ever soo gently ofcourse.
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