Oh the wonderful blessing that is technology! It’s Sunday afternoon and I’m at a gig waiting for my turn to sing. To pass the time I’ll write about my issue this morning at Church on my handy-dandy PDA.
I love my church! I love my Pastor, the diversity, the fellowship, the Praise and Worship team , the staff, and seeing all of the wonderful ways God is using this church and the lovers of Christ in it!
Today I learned that there is one small element that I do not like. I DO NOT like rowdy a$$ kids and their insensitive ass parents. (This is not restricted to church, but to ALL public facilities such as movie theaters, restaurants, etc.)
If you happen to be one of said insensitive parents, I do not apologize for this rant. Rather, I’d like for you to use this post as an overdue wake up call.
It’s okay for you to bring your well behaved kids to “big folk” service on occasion. It is NOT okay to bring your loud a$$, bad a$$ kids to “big folk” service EVER!
In service today I ended up sitting in front of 3 very out of hand kids. At the start of every service the Pastor informs any unknowing parents of the Sunday School services, as well as advises everyone that the sanctuary is a “ring free” zone (no cell phones), and to take fussy babies to the sound proof baby area - so in my mind there’s no excuse for ignorance.
Right as the guest Pastor began his sermon the kids started acting a dayum fool. Talking all loud and playing around in and out of their seats. I’d like to believe that the mom couldn’t hear them, but I know she could. She would have to be 99.9% deaf and 97.5% blind to be unable to observe every single annoying antic.
Now some people may chose to believe that experienced parents have the ability to use the parental “mind mute” method to filter out any sounds coming from their kids. I can see how this should be possible while in your own home, but not in public. If you use the “mind mute” in public you’re just plain insensitive. Everyone doesn’t have kids and therefore everyone will not have the ability to practice the “mind mute” method while your kids are running around screaming at the top of thir lungs.
So after shooting about 5 stern looks over my shoulder at the kids and being totally ignored I decided to throw the looks at their momma. I know it’s not very polite to throw dirty looks at folks, but I’m sorry. She was pretty much saying FU to all the people in ear shot of her kids, and if that doesn’t warrant a dirty look then I don’t know what does.
The guest Pastors message appeared to be outstanding, but I wouldn’t know because I was too busy praying that God would continue to restrain my arms to keep them from swinging back there and knocking the bejeezes out of all three of them little bad a$$ monkeys.
Finally they had pushed me to my limit. I actually had to turn and give them the full 1 fingered “shushing” motion, power packed with the loud “shushing” sound, accompanied by the evil, “I’m gonna beat your little a$$ when your momma aint around” look. That shut them up for a few minutes, but of course it started back up again!
What the hell is wrong with parents today? I cant really blame the kids as much as the adults condoning the bad behavior. My mom would’ve beat my a$$ with her mind and then beat my a$$ within an inch of my life with a stick on the way home if I had acted up the way those kids had! These will be the kids who don’t respect anyone when they get older. Who’ll walk up to elderly people and shank ‘em just for asking the belligerent bastards to quiet down in the library. This is an awful state of affairs!
An insensitive parent should be the poster child for condoms. If you don’t have what it takes to raise them right, please…DON’T HAVE THEM!!!
Always in love…unless you let your bad a$$ kids run amuck in public disturbing everyone around them, and you haven’t the common decency to acknowledge my evil eye stare by quieting them down so that I can be fed by the Pastors message too.
I am a mom boys 12 and 17.....I have no tolerance for moms that let their heethins run wild in public...even when my boys were little...I could give them the"look" and they knew to get their ish together....and if I had to take them to the bathroom......you know what happens when momma takes you to the bathroom....lol
what's sad s theese are the kids who have no boundaries and become badd teens.....giving the teachers H.E.L.L. and stealing and ish cause their momma has no CONTROL!!!
sorry for the post in your comment section...
great post.......
I am so with you. Let's take it a step further. Don't bring your bad ass kids to adult restaurants and movies. whenever we go out for mexican, there are kids running wild all over the place. why won't people just beat their asses? This is why I don't have any. I have no patience.
Dee (aka) i.whip.my.kids....- When I saw your sign-on name I LMAO! I loved your post within a post!
Jazz: I'm with you. Every time I see 'kids gone wild' my ovaries shrivel up just a little bit more.
Coley: You are too much! Let's start a revolution!!
Gurl sorry to post in your comments but I get pissed cause a lot of parents just don't "raise" their kids...kids need structure...rules, discipline and just the right amount of good ol fear of the "ass whooping".....We got ours beat...right? Theese "new" day mommas have no control....i'm old school...and they wonder why lil Shaniqua is failing all her classes and Devontaye jr. stole part of the rent money.............sad
I don't have any bad a$$ kids...or any kids for that matter. But maybe BEG and I will fall in love, get married, etc...and then you can babysit:)
I share your sentiment about bad a** kids. I have nobody's clue as to why parents act like they can't hear or see their lil' rodents crawling around on the floor and/or pestering people. **THIS IS NOT CUTE**.
My husband's always nudging me, "Tiki, please don't kick 'em" and that's usually when momma will grab her lil' ill-mannered brat and control him/her or leave. Granted, I have 3, but I can't stand undisciplined children.
I think beating them until right before they pass out is the best answer. Do you know how pissed off I would have been if I had come to church with you that day!
@mannmotion- Chops is very unstable so I don't think she would make a very good sitter for our children. :-)
have been exploring with pleasure this site and fliker phot with pleasure. I find lot of colour and other good here. Happy blogging.
Parents & guardians don't realize the disservice they do to their children by not training them to be still even for short periods of time. Church is the perfect time for parents to teach that skill.
These bad kid's won't be able to sit still in school. They will lose out on some early education which will affect the rest of their school carerrs and then their lives.
I have a 4 year old son and I guess I'm lucky that most of the time a stearn look, a little raise in my voice, or even a time out work on my son. every now and then, however, he chooses to defy my stearn voice defiantly and that's when I have to knock his lil butt into place and show him who pays the rent. aint gonna lie though, he can take a whoopin like a solja when he's mad, lol, but he learns once it's all said and done.
My brother sent me this video clip of a great commercial yesterday... it was 30 seconds of this man and a boy in a grocery store. The kid wanted something that he couldn't have, and he just started hollering and crying and throwing stuff, and everybody in the store was looking. and the man just stood there like he didn't know what to do. and at the end, it said "USE PROTECTION. BUY CONDOMS!"
LOL... this is an excellent topic.
I just saw a girl have a fit in the front of the church because her mom wouldn't let her get one of the balloons that was up for decorations.
If you're going to bring a little munchking to the service, at least have something handy to give her so her attention will be occupied... for at least 10 mins. Bring lots of toys!
sure makes me glad there are only 3 kids at my church and they are all very well behaved :)
lol...*falls backwards out of chair laughing*
When I was a counselor at a youth center, I had to deal with bad azz kids all the time. Why you leaving them with me? They were never disrespectful to me, but just always wanted attention! Leave me, do some homework or something instead of talking about your "friend's momma". Speaking of mommas... take these kids out of here, my class would be perfect, if it wasn't for your bad azz kid, lol.
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