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The 17 anonymous jury members have completed their deliberation and made their final decision. The verdict is...GUILTY!!! BEG is trying to kill Lambchop!!
Here's the tally:
Definitely 5 (29%)
Probably 5 (29%)
Not Likely 4 (23%)
Definitely Not 3 (17%)
BEG is thereby charged for this reprehensible act.
This case is closed.
A special thanks to Rainmayun for validating the results.
The Prosecution Rests.
The Defense Eats Dirt.
When is the sentencing hearing? Or do I hear an appeal coming?
I really dig your mathematics:)
Law and Order would have wrapped this up in an hour. ;)
Your blog always give me a good laugh. Are you guys sisters or just friends. I think you readers need some history about your friendship. FUNNY stuff!! Keep it up!
Sentencing first, then appeal. But I think BEG would do well to go the Martha Stewart route... serve your sentence anyway, it'll do wonders for your (blog) career!
yall crazy (smile)
B.E.G, my bad...the evidence presented was just so convincing....
ps. love the new pics
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