*********Before reading this please read prior post by Lambchop: "Murder Attempts & Rhythmless Salsa?"**********
Rebuttal / Defense
April 7, 2005
To Whom It May Concern,
First and foremost I categorically deny any and all accusations made by my accuser (AKA Chops). Furthermore, I demand that any further defamation of my character cease and desist or legal action will be taken. At no time have I attempted or considered assaulting, molesting, hurting, murdering or otherwise harming my accuser. I would also like to present evidence substantiating my innocence in this matter.
Prior to the accusers arrival at my residence she called and demanded that accommodations be made for her sleeping arrangements. She stated that she was very tired and needed a nap. She also said that the her “tape worm” was screaming, “It burns! It burns!” (in the voice of Smeagol from Lord of the Rings) because it was hungry and needed food. Chops then left her place of employment with a 20 minute estimated time of arrival. Being the good friend that I am, I defrosted some fish in preparation for this event. Chops has a history of tardiness and in her usual manner arrived 1 hour and 20 minutes after the conversation (at 6 pm…the exact time I planned to leave for class). She stormed into my residence without a hello, walked directly to the kitchen and yelled “Where’s my food women!” I explained that I didn’t want her food to get cold so I delayed cooking until her arrival. She then stomped off to my bedroom and slammed the door. Due to her tardiness I was forced to cook the meal at an accelerated rate causing a slight oversight on my part (baking would have taken longer than steaming). This factor is solely to blame for the under cooked condition of her fish, not any type of foul play or lack of cooking ability as originally indicated by my accuser. The girth around my mid-section should attest to my cooking abilities. Furthermore, I wish to submit that I never stated that I wished to kill my accuser, only that I was not totally opposed to the idea.
Next I wish to address the event in question at the Salsa club. I am not to blame for the unfortunate occurrences that evening. At no point did I sign a contract accepting responsibility for the welfare of the accuser. As stated by Chops I was dancing during the alleged assault perpetrated by “Mr. Galactic Enterprise”. I was unaware of the accusers disturbing situation and therefore unable to render any assistance (besides laughing). Chops also failed to mention the “Mr. Galactic Enterprise” weighed less than 105 lbs. soaking wet. My accuser is small but strong and wiry. I believe that if she was uncomfortable with the level of contact with “The Acorns” as she calls them she could have made good use of her knee (or foot/heel)as suggested by Kashasta. I submit that Chops possibly enjoyed the activity, then later realized she had been victimized. After this occurrence I ushered Chops to a couch where she did in fact proceed to curl into a ball and rock for the next 15-20 minutes. I interpreted this action as an attempt to come down from the orgasmic level of ecstasy she achieved during her “dance of love”. I did not at the time realize that she was in some strange form of shock.
Chops my dear, I owe you nothing! Nada! Got it. From this day forward your incessant demands for food shall go ignored. In fact…if you were starving and I had a full plate of uneaten/ unwanted food I would sooner throw it away than give it to you. Also, to ManNMotion…I think the torture of dancing with smelly, dirty nail/rough hand having, possible parole, “Chicken Man” more than makes up for anything I could have ever done to Chops (my feet still haven’t heeled from that terrible experience!).
This correspondence should address all topics covered in the accusers defamatory statement. Any further questions or comments should be directed to my legal team
C/O: I’ll sue your a**! At 111 You Suck Dr., Looser, Ca 55555.
Respectfully Submitted,
(Chops you know I luv ya!)
Hold on a minute, how am I the lone commenter singled out in this post? Are you making me an innocent bystander caught up in the crossfire? Hmmm...maybe Chops was right about you, even if she did enjoy her dance.
In my own defense, notice that I wasn't too concerned about the sushi that you cooked for her. Also, word on the net is that your feet are so big that any dance partner would look odd (like a chicken) trying to keep from stepping on them.
All rebuttals can be submitted to my attorney, Johnnie Cochran, who will get back to you as soon as his schedule allows.
You songbirds are insane. You're also invited to my art party this Friday evening. 5:30-9:00
I agree. ¡Mujeres Locas!
Sorry ladies,
I did not read any of these other comments. I just wanted to say how beautiful all 3 of you are. Especially Ja-mee. Seriously fine.
That's it, have a great summer in Cali. I miss it. Sitting here in Europe.
@Mannmotion- LOL at the feet thing, plus I think big feet are a good thing. I'll make a note of your legal info because you my friend will also be included in the lawsuit!
@C2A-Thanks for the invite!
@Coley & Jez Chil - The doctor says it was a bad idea to go off the medications but we disagree.
@Kelly- You know I have weak ankles. :-)
@AL Campos- Thanks for the compliments! (from all of us, especially Ja-me)
You ladies are too funny! Great entry! I loved it! Salsa anyone?
Good rebuttal. I'm still siding with Chop on this one. You're trying to kill her.
P.S. - Who rocks for 15-20 minutes after a dance? I don't know what kind of orgasmic experiences y'all are having, but if they involve fetal rocking for that long, then sign me up! :)
too too funny
Hmmmm, I don't know... I think the defense falls apart because of the implicit contract of friendship. You agreed to rescue her from horny midgets and salmonella and ravenous tapeworms the instant you became her friend!
lmao....this is nuts. And the ending is priceless
Rainmayun's comment says it all!!!
Well put my brotha!!
@-Princessdominique-Thanks for stopping by!
@-Curvy-I'm not trying to kill her....At least, I don't think I am. :-)
@-Rainmayun-Chops forfeited all friendship entitlements several years ago...I won't go into detail but suffice it to say she deserves whatever she gets.
@Gian & Soulfularies- 3 more classes to go so I'm sure this is only the beginning!
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