"I was just awakened by unfamiliar African American footsteps outside my window!" -anonymous citizen-
WTF kind of stupidity is that? What exactly do African American footsteps sound like? Is each step accompanied by a chorus of Little John's screaming "What!" Does the smell of chicken and watermelon waft through the air prior to said African Americans arrival? Common sense should tell you that it's normal to hear footsteps if you live in an apartment building...Some people are so ignorant!
Another short work story.... Apparently an elderly female (in her late 80's) has been spotted (on several occasions) choking and kicking ducks. Yep, you heard me right. Somehow she's been able to run them down, catch them, and then she chokes the shit out of em'. Maybe she's just catching dinner.
Last one (I promise), Some guy (who happened to be hospitalized and confined to a wheelchair) decided that he needed a drink...so what did he do? Call his nurse? Nope, to easy. Go to the bathroom and drink out of the faucet? No, wrong again. He decided to climb into his wheelchair, roll down to the nearest liquor store, and buy himself a bottle of Remy. Oh, I forgot to mention that he was wearing a grey jacket, his backless hospital gown, and nothing else. When approached by authorities he refused to go back to the hospital. Nice.
If you want to hear a dumb ass in action click here.
I'm stuck. I feel like I've been in a holding pattern for the last four years. Nothing changes. Same people, same places, same job, same shit I guess. I'M SO BORED!!! I'm not really complaining...Well I guess I am but damn, is this it? Anyway, to break up all the monotony I have decided to take salsa lessons. After my last attempt at salsa I don't harbor much hope for success but I guess I've got nothing to loose. I'm also starting marathon training this week.
Exactly how many times do you have to tell someone you're not interested before they get the point?
I think I've forgotten how to flirt (or perhaps I never knew how in the first place). I guess I should work on it since I've decided that my dating hiatus (scheduled to last until the end of the year) is officially over. I think spring fever is kicking in.
I may have mentioned at some point that I'm in the process of locking my hair. Well, four months have passed since I began this process and my hair refuses to lock. According to my not so knowledgeable loctician it's not coarse enough and he claims that he needs to add some synthetic hair for it to lock. That is utter BS! That would defeat the whole purpose of going Napptural. I decided that I was fed up with his incompetence and found another stylist. She's a little strange in an "all natural/ juices and berries" kind of way but from what I've heard she's good at what she does. Here we go again.
I am lovin the newest Zapp Mama Ancestry in Progress, Tweet It's Me Again (although not as much as the first), Teedra Moses Complex Simplicity, and Donnie The Colored Section CD's.
I'm considering moving almost 2 hour away from work (each way) so that I can afford to buy a new house. If I stay in the bay area all I can swing is a VERY very small older 1 bedroom condo. If I move outside of the bay I can afford a brand new 3 bed 2 bath.... decisions , decisions ...What do you think?
Part of the reason I haven't been writing much lately is that I don't have anything important to say. Can't you tell?
The duck lady is wild. I'm surprised those ducks don't attack her. I heard a boy got arrested for running his car over ducks. I don't care for the ducks but I have no desire to harm them.
Moving 2 hours away would be horrible. I feel like I'm being tortured when it takes me 20 minutes to travel the 7 exits that take me 7 minutes 20 minutes later. You wouldn't have time to enjoy the house. I say get the condo, wait for it to appreciate and move into something larger later. All you need is a foot in somewhere. Plus the gas money you save could be extra mtg payments.
Monotony is a major beyotch, I feel you. Im an Aries with adult A.D.D. so I believe me, I know your pain.
I had locs for 5 years, which I started and manicured myself, so I wish you the best. If I can of any help, let me know.
"small change" and "im done" are my favs on the new Tweet album, and I agree that it isnt as good as the first, but with every listen, it is growing on me.
Yes, that was totally random
LOL@ the bay area duck choker. I won't make any comments as to whose family she's in...
Just a thought...why move farther to get a bigger house when you'll spend more time in your car...which is smaller than the expensive condo...when you want a new job anyway? Why not get the new job first, then think about where to live?
You have the absolute audacity to call me crazy??!!! You win hands down!
About the house, I have to agree with everyone before me (Coley, Call2arms & ManNMotion). I have a friend who moved over an hour away from her job and she ended up miserable (the diva). She and her fiancé ended up having to live at their parents house so they could make it to work during the week without attempting suicide or falling asleep driving in traffic, of course they also had to keep up with the mortgage on a house they didnt really live in!
I guess the question for you is, how important is peace of mind and being able to enjoy what you work so hard for? Everyone puts so much on owning a house. I agree that it's important, but not at the cost of your peace of mind. It'll come, just be patient. You're still young yet! God works everything out in His time!
I had the same dilemma when I was living in the Bay Area. Should I A) Buy a house I can't afford and get a roommate, B) Buy a doghouse for $300K, C) Live large & commute forever? Well I chose D) Live Large with an incredibly short commute in ATLANTA!!! So there ya go, my suggestion is to leave the Bay. It's too freakin' expensive out there.
Maybe she thought they were chickens....
On a serious tip, I decided to leave the Bay area temporarily until my career caught up with my desired lifestyle. Once I become insanely wealthy (or at least reasonably affluent), I plan to move back to California. The cost of living is just crazy out there!
lmao @ ol boy in the wheelchair deciding he needed a drank...lol
Wait . . . 2 hours, EACH WAY! I don't think so. There's something about waking up at the butt crack of dawn, before anyone else is up, that puts people in a foul mood. And none of your friends will want to visit your distant self. It's not worth it!
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