" Drum roll please." I have an announcement to make (no, this is not the big news I talked about in a prior post).....I am going to be running a marathon! Yup, you heard me right. The junk food queen is running a marathon. I have decided to make a commitment to improving my health and this is the perfect opportunity to do so. I will be running the AIDS marathon in Oahu HI. on Sunday December 12. That gives me approximately six months to increase the distance I can run without stopping from 3 miles to 26.2 miles (ughh!) and to raise $3000.00. I will be running on a team comprised of 3 people I work with plus me. (Rama, Rach, Kell, & Me) I'm a little nervous about raising that much money ($3000.00 each) but we are working on several different fund raising ideas so hopefully it will all work out.
Not many people can say what I am about to say.... I work with some of the nicest people!(Dispatchers) Although we fight from time to time and get on each other nerves we are very supportive of each others dreams and aspirations. I came to work in the worst mood one night (which is not unusual). I was exhausted, and felt ambivalent about the whole music thing. Everything I tried seemed to be failing. I looked in my box and found a note from Trish that said she had spoken with someone about my looking for a band. She printed out an entire website with the details of the band and gave me the name and number of the contact person. I hadn't worked with Trish for a while so we hadn't talked about my singing (or not singing). After reading her letter I was re-motivated (is that a word?) to give it another shot. I immediately found a voice lesson teacher to prepare me to audition and as a result I have been offered several other opportunities. I haven't actually called the band yet (I didn't feel ready) but I will be calling soon. It's so nice to have people around who are interested in your success and happiness. Thanks Trish!!!
......I am still a freak magnet! (I know, big subject jump)Before work I went to Beverly's Fabrics to find some yarn that would inspire me to start a new project. While standing in the yarn aisle an employee of the store walks up to me and says "Do you have a second? I need to get your opinion on something." I said, "Sure, what's up?" He proceeded to tell me that on his way home from work one day he was flagged down by a female walking down the street with several bag. She asked him to take her to the hospital because she could not afford a cab. He agreed to take her and as she got into the car he asked her what she had in her bags. She told him, "None of your Mother F***** business!" He said he felt insulted but took her to the hospital anyway. After dropping her off and driving home he realized that she had left one of her bags in his back seat. He had no way of finding her and was not sure what to do. He said he couldn't decide if he should look in the bag or not and asked me what I would do if presented with a similar situation. I told him I would definitely look inside. He nodded his head and began to walk away. I then asked him "Well......What did you decided to do?" He said, "I opened it." Now my curiosity got the best of me so I asked him "What was in the bag?" He smiled, then said " None of you Mother F***** business!" and walk away laughing. I stood there for a second feeling like a fool then walked out of the store. Sometimes I wonder if I have a sign on my head that reads "If you have no common sense and haven't bathed in the last year come talk to me." I'm not really sure what draws all of the weirdos out of hiding when I'm around but if you figure it out please let me know. Guess that's it for now. Bye-Bye!
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