It's almost a full month later and I am still waiting..... However, I realize that I have to make the best of what I have right now. I think part of my problem is that I have spent most of my life waiting for "The Next Big Thing" instead of enjoying the here and now so I am officially turning over a new leaf.
Here is s a brief summary of recent events. I saw several movies, some good (Man On Fire)(Hildalgo)..Some not so good (Johnson Family Reunion). Hung out at Everett and Jones in Jack London Square with a friend I met last year in dispatch school. Her family owns the restaurant and decided to have an "American Idol" party which turned out to be quite interesting. I made several new friend but due to severe intoxication during the meetings I've determined that pursuing them would not be prudent. Thanks to my decision to stand between two very excited dancing females during the "American Idol" showing I was also on the channel 2 news. I found this out from my mother who called me on my cell phone while I was still at the party. She asks me, "What are you drinking? and why aren't you dancing?" I told her, "Ice-T" which actually wasn't that far from the truth and I actually thought I was dancing! I then asked her how she knew what I was doing and she explains that she and my brother were watching me on the news. Nice!
I am so happy that I don't have any children yet! Don't get me wrong I think they are great but they are even better when you can send them home after a visit. Lea and Josh came over and spent and evening with me last week. We watched the Cat In the Hat at least five times. Bath time was especially fun. Two naked children running around arguing about who was going to take a bath first. It was actually pretty funny. All jokes aside I had a great time but I have a whole new respect for single parents.
Mothers Day was nice although we celebrated a day early. My mom, uncle, uncle's husband, uncles friend,and grandmother had dinner at Scott's in Oakland. The food was wonderful but I had to leave before the main courses arrived.(I Had to go to work of course!) My only regret is not getting to spend more time with my grandmother. I don't know how may more Mother's Day's she will be around so every one we have is special. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family!!!!
Guess that's it for now. I'm really gonna try to update more often... I promise. TTFN
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