I guess now would be a good time to update my weight loss (or lack of weigh loss) progress. I have been exercising consistently for 5 months. My total weight loss is about 8 pounds. I was shooting for 20 so obviously things have not been going as well as planned. Although I have no problem going to the gym a minimum of 4 times a week I just can't seem to stop eating. I've realized that I have an eating addiction. I enjoy eating almost as much as I enjoy sleeping. (pathetic..I know) I am the happiest girl on the planet when I have a big juicy steak, a baked potato, and a glass of wine in front of me. (no veggies!!) Ummmmm I'm salivating just thinking about it!!!! Anyway I guess the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
I got tired of the old format so I changed it a bit, I think I may add some pictures later. Oh yeah, I talked Kell into doing a blog. (Not that you can really talk Kell into anything she doesn't want to do.) Anyway its HERE if you wanna visit. Time for my appointment with the elliptical machine. Ta Ta!
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