Praise God!!! I made it through another week of work. My Friday has finally arrived! (I work Friday-Monday 7pm-5am lucky me!) Anyway, I don't have any major week-end (week day) plans besides starting my dreaded Christmas shopping even though most of my friends and family will be the lucky (or unlucky depending how you look at it) recipients of knitted scarves made by me. ( I've had a little too much free time lately) I'm suppose to report for jury duty later this week but I think the summons got lost in the mail....yeah that's what happened.
Oh how could I forget... I'm going on a cruise and I'm so excited! My Mom, Grandma, Uncle, Uncle's Partner, and I are going on a 7 day cruise from Venice to Rome in September. We are going on this cruise line. We're suppose to arrive in Venice 2 days early to hang out then hang over 2 days in Rome at the end. I'm also going on a little jazz cruise with my Mom in January which should be fun. I feel kinda guilty about spending so much money on trips when I should be paying off credit cards and saving to buy a house but you only live once right? Well, bye for now have a great week!
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