FYI....For all of you that don't already know 911 is for LIFE or DEATH emergencies understand! No, a live rat swimming up your toilet is not considered an emergency. The shopping cart flipped over in the middle of intersection that your stupid ass could have moved would not count as an emergency either. Hopefully that clears things up.
ME: 911, What's your emergency?
Caller: I need the number to Blockbuster Video.
ME: Are you aware that you called 911?
Caller: Um, yeah!
ME: Are you aware that 911 is for life or death emergencies?
Caller: Yeah, but you guys are so much faster than 411!!! Plus, I just saved myself 75 cents!
ME:911, What's your emergency?
Caller: Does time change today? You know that whole day light savings thing?
ME: Yes, but what is your emergency, why are you calling 911?
Caller: I need to know what time it is and I forgot the number for popcorn.
ME: It's time for you to get a watch idiot! (okay, I didn't actually say that part but I wanted too!)
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