Okay.... So I think I've calmed down enough to talk about this. A couple of weeks ago a friend and I visited Adela's Yarn Store in Castro Valley. (5 Minutes from Oakland) Actually let me back it up a bit. After lounging around on a rainy day listening to Jill Scott in sweatsuits (cute one's of course :-) a friend (who happens to be white) and I decided to buy some yarn for new projects. We looked in the phone book and found a yarn shop 5 minutes away from her house. I walked into the shop before her and was immediately approached by a salesperson who looked at me from head to toe then sneered, "Can I help you with something?" I replied, "No thanks." and started looking around. She rolled her eyes and walk away but continued to watch me as I walked around. At that point I probably should have left but stupid me decided to stay. (The next closest yarn shop was 30 minutes away I didn't want to drive that far in the rain.) My friend came in shortly after I did and began shopping. Periodically we would compare items then go back to separate areas of the store. During one of the times we were apart I happen to be standing behind the salesperson who greeted me at the door. She was talking to another customer and didn't have the common sense to make sure no one was in earshot before she started talking shit. She tells the lady in front of her " Could you not stand in front of me I am trying to watch THOSE GIRLS!" ( I guess my friend was guilty by association) I was flabbergasted!! I was so angry I dropped what I was planning to buy, grabbed my friend, and headed for the door. Just before I walked out I realized I had to say something to her. I took a few deep breaths, buried my hands in my pocket so that I wouldn't punch her, and walked back in. When she noticed me coming back she actually looked scared. The same customer was still with her so I faced both of them and told her that I had no intention of stealing anything. Of all the things on earth I could steal why in the hell would I pick a yarn shop in Castro Valley as the place to do the deed?! Please!! WHO would steal yarn? I work for a Police Dept for goodness sake ( not that it makes any difference mind you) Anyway, she goes, " OH, (he-he) I wasn't talking about you two girls...I was talking about those other girls." Now, you know and I know that there were no other "Girls" in the shop. As a matter of fact there were no other people in the shop at all. At that point I ended the conversation because I realized that not only was she ignorant she was also a liar. I left the store in a foul mood and was grouchy for several hours afterwards. I ended up driving all the way to a crafts store in Pleasanton and never found what I was actually looking for.
I decided the next day to write a letter to the owner of the store explaining what happened just to see if I would get any response. Then I started thinking that perhaps she was the owner and it would be pointless for me to waste my time. The jury is still out on that but perhaps I will write the letter, then decided afterwards if I want to send it. What do ya think? I think it's very sad that even in one of the most culturally, ethnically, and financially, diverse areas in the nation ignorance like hers still exists. I almost wish I could sit down and talk to her and maybe help her to understand that she has no reason to be afraid of people who are different from her. Or, no reason to be that stupid but that would take all day.
Just so that this whole post isn't negative I do have some good news. After 5 hours of complaining, arguing, bitching, moaning, pleading, fighting, and 2 missed delivery dates with Levit's my new bedroom set finally arrived!!! It is massive and way to big for my room but I love it anyway. Now if I could just get it all to fit.......................
Monday, November 29, 2004