So much time has passed since my last post I seem to have forgotten how. It took me almost 10 minutes to remember my password.....Anyway my blogging strike is officially over. The management and I have reached a compromise however I am not at liberty to discuss the specific terms. Basically.... My war with the worlds slowest computer is over. I have conceded defeat, kinda like Kerry .....even though I think he actually won. I have accepted the fact that I will have to deal with my old clunker until I have enough money to buy another one (which won't be any time soon). Management (the computer) has agreed not to crash for no apparent reason or turn itself on in the middle of the night. I have in turn promised to get DSL and stop downloading unnecessary files (in other words, anything). I was also required to buy it an acceptable home ( a hutch) and take it off the kitchen floor. So far things are working out nicely but I'll keep you posted.......
On to other topics......There really isn't anyway I could update you on all that has happened since my last post. I have gotten over Rick James' untimely demise, I've accepted the fact that our country (or should I say the yokels) have voted in a Monkey for president, and I am no longer running the marathon (could not raise that much money). I have been blessed with the opportunity to sing several time even with my hellacious schedule at work. I had to turn down several upcoming dates for the same reason. Yup I still work at the PD ....Any job is better than no job I suppose. I've decided to cut off all my hair and grow it out again without a perm. I'm a little nervous about that but I guess its just hair. It will grow back...right!? I have taken up knitting again however I won't be blogging about that very often. I have a sneaking suspicion that blogging about knitting may be addictive and, I happen to think that most* blogging knitter are a wee bit strange. Plus, I think you are required to have a cat to join that club. Steve and I are......Well.... I guess the best way to put it is, Steve and I are Steve and I. We are in our usual on again off again cycle. However, we have been getting along quite well and even if we never work out we will always be friends. I went to see Rachelle Ferrell at Kimball's last week. I was suppose to go with my aunt however she faked on me so I went alone and Steve met me there later. All I can say was A-MA-ZING!!! She was wonderful as usual . Well, I think I have used the word "I" enough times for one day so I think I will end this now.
*Some knitting bloggers are wonderful normal people like Rachael who I think can fly. (She hasn't admitted it yet)
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