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Tuesday, March 30, 2004
I'm so excited!! For the first time in six weeks I will be off my entire weekend!!! No overtime!!!!!! Wednesday, I have a guitar lesson scheduled, then Kell and I are going shopping and to a jazz club/bar/restaurant called Kelly's in Alameda for dinner and drinks. Thursday Rama, her daughter, and I are going (yep you guessed it!) shopping again. Then to Yoshi's for more jazz, sushi, and sake, and to see Regina Carter play her violin. Did I mention I like jazz? I hope to somehow sneak a few cat naps in between activities. Well that's it for now. See ya.
I hate going to the doctor and since I'm rarely sick that's usually not an issue. Unfortunately, I have a little problem that doesn't seem to want to correct itself so off to the doctor I go. (I'll warn you. If you don't like hearing about female issue stop reading right now.) My monthly (unwelcome) visitor usually comes into town right on schedule however, it seems to be on a 2 month... and counting... hiatus. I guess my first concern should be the big "P" word but since I don't have sex or let me correct that, I can't remember the last time I did, I don't thinks that's the problem. (Quick explanation: I believe that God made all of his commandments and rules because he loves us and wants us to be happy therefore I don't allow myself the option of picking and choosing which ones to obey or ignore. Plus experience has shown me that following his commandments makes life so much more peaceful. That being said, I obviously have broken quite a few of those rules but God if very forgiving otherwise he would have struck me down with a bolt of lighting by now!! :-) Perhaps its menopause but I don't think that happens in your twenties. I have been working out quite a bit but in the past exercise has not affected my schedule. So I guess that means I don't have a clue why it's been gone so long but I guess I'll find out on Wednesday.
Sunday, March 28, 2004
OKAY.....So I think I might have some type of online quiz addiction. Most of the ones I have taken tonight have been pretty stupid but this one is hysterical!!!! It's called "What kind of weirdo are you?

what sort of weirdo are you?
this quiz by orsa
I promise, this is the last one.
what sort of weirdo are you?
this quiz by orsa
I promise, this is the last one.
Saturday, March 27, 2004
Brandy, a 2-syllable girl's name of Dutch origin, means: A fiery spirit distilled from wine.
Elise, a 2-syllable girl's name of French origin, means: Consecrated; Gods oath.
Brandy, a 2-syllable girl's name of Dutch origin, means: A fiery spirit distilled from wine.
Elise, a 2-syllable girl's name of French origin, means: Consecrated; Gods oath.
Not much to say today, weekend was too short, slept a lot, saw Starsky and Hutch, pretty funny, went to bible study, had really bad gas!, tried not to let it out but everyone heard it anyway, (still do actually and Kelly seems to be monitoring my bathroom habits) not sure why, guess I'll have to research that, Get off on time tonight (3am) whoo-hoo, I am starving!!!, Going to breakfast with Kelly at Merritt Bakery to celebrate working together again for the next six month. If one more person tells me to leave because I'm not happy here I'm gonna loose it!!!!, Don't say you weren't warned when it happens. Guess that about it. Oh yeah, Kelly tell Herme I said hi!!!!
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
It's 3:46am and I am Sssssoooo SSSSSlllleeeeeppppyyyy!!!! I'm in my usual spot (my desk at work) with 1 hours 14 minutes, 30 seconds to go, trying to decide if I will be going to the gym when I get off. I have been exposed to a whole new element of people who work out daily. There is the ridiculously muscular man who never seems to leave. I think he may actually live there! Then we have the elderly fellow who wears a white wife beater (tank top) and grey spandex pants that expose ALL of his business ( if you know what I mean). In 2 months of consistent work outs I have yet to see him in a different outfit. Next on the line-up we have the 80 Lbs (when soaking wet) female who prances from machine to machine and stays on just long enough to not break a sweat then, its on to the next one. I guess we will call her "The Gym Bunny". If I were a betting women I would bet that her last 15 dates were people she met at the gym. There is also and elderly female who works out on the weekends. I think she and the elderly gentleman have some type of side relationship going on but I don't have any proof of that just yet. At exactly 5:45 each morning she walks out of the women's locker room with a determined look in her eye, wearing a large tank top (no bra) and a pair of very large dingy white underwear (you know, the old lady kind that also expose all of her business). She walks the same path everyday, around the treadmills, past the sit up bench, past the weight machines to the scale located exactly in the center of the room. She weighs herself, then returns to the locker room using the same path. Never to the right, or the left, always the same path. I guess the scale in the locker room just isn't good enough for her. For the life of me I can't figure out why no one has said anything to her but I guess if I live that long I'm gonna do whatever the hell I wanna do too. Next we have the farting fellow. He only shows up about once a week but when he does it always a gas! (He-HE!) He has a special talent for finding me no matter where I am in the gym and when he does the fun begins. Since I spend so much time on the treadmill I'm usually pretty easy to spot. He starts walking on the treadmill (next to me of course) then around the 5th minute of exercise the farting begins. First quietly, then louder, then the laughing begins. He seems to find himself quite amusing and laughs throughout his entire workout. I am convinced that he waits until I have invested too much time in my workout to relocate myself then, he moves in for the kill. I swear, this world get weirder and weirder everyday. But, I guess I will go to the gym when I get off work. Wouldn't want to miss all the entertainment!!! TTFN
Monday, March 22, 2004
...I know, I know, long time no post....Sorry, but I have a really good reason. Tomorrow will end my marathon 6 day (60 hour) work week and I have been so tired!!! (Luckily I got to work with Rama and Rosa so it wasn't that bad) Anyway this is not going to be a whinny post so on to more pleasant topics. Let see....Where shall I start? Well, I have been quite busy during the last couple of weeks. I went to Dawn's going away party and met a group of very interesting people. Most of us were in our late 20's, single, with no kids. It seems that the late 20's are a time of change and transition for all of us. Everyone was, or is in the process of making career and life changes. Dawn, is moving to LA to become an actress. Vette, (brave girl!)has been working for the same company in the marketing department for several years and has decided to quit her job, go back to school, and actively pursuit her music goals. Bethy, quit her job and is starting a non-profit organization for teenage girls self esteem issues. Everyone else in attendance had equally interesting story's. I'm not really sure where I'm headed but I know a major change is coming and it will include music.
I have been reconsidering buying a home so I went and talked to a mortgage lender. I didn't like him because he was very condescending. He told me that I would qualify for a 100% financing loan however I would still need to come up with $10,000 in closing fees. (ouch!) He also suggested that I pay off a couple more credit cards before moving. I guess that means that in about 6 months (the amount of time it should take me to pay them off) I will either be a home owner or close to debt free!!! Now I need to decide if I want the responsibility of a house or the flexibility and freedom of being able to move at any time. (or being able work at a job where I make less money). Decision, decisions, decisions.......
In other news, I took a trip out to Sacramento and spent a few day with Karran. We went to a Karyoke bar (lots of fun!) and hung out around the house. It was a nice break from my usual surroundings. While there I sang her one of the songs I wrote and she loved it. She loved it so much that she asked me to sing it several times before leaving the next day. Still, it was nice to be appreciated. Guitar lesson have been going very well. I guess all the practicing has been paying off. I just found out that my teacher is going to be moving to San Francisco and I have to decide if I'm going to follow or find a new teacher. I'm leaning towards a new teacher but I'll keep you posted. Guess that's it for now.
I have been reconsidering buying a home so I went and talked to a mortgage lender. I didn't like him because he was very condescending. He told me that I would qualify for a 100% financing loan however I would still need to come up with $10,000 in closing fees. (ouch!) He also suggested that I pay off a couple more credit cards before moving. I guess that means that in about 6 months (the amount of time it should take me to pay them off) I will either be a home owner or close to debt free!!! Now I need to decide if I want the responsibility of a house or the flexibility and freedom of being able to move at any time. (or being able work at a job where I make less money). Decision, decisions, decisions.......
In other news, I took a trip out to Sacramento and spent a few day with Karran. We went to a Karyoke bar (lots of fun!) and hung out around the house. It was a nice break from my usual surroundings. While there I sang her one of the songs I wrote and she loved it. She loved it so much that she asked me to sing it several times before leaving the next day. Still, it was nice to be appreciated. Guitar lesson have been going very well. I guess all the practicing has been paying off. I just found out that my teacher is going to be moving to San Francisco and I have to decide if I'm going to follow or find a new teacher. I'm leaning towards a new teacher but I'll keep you posted. Guess that's it for now.
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
ME: 911 What's your emergency?
Caller: (background noise and cussing)My neighbor is stuck on the toilet again?
ME: Excuse me?
Caller: My neighbor is stuck on the toilet again...But this time he is backwards.
ME: Backwards, Can you explain how he got stuck backwards?
Caller: Oh, I don't know but he is wedged in there and we cant pull him out? Can you just send up some help!
ME: Okay, just try to stay calm and I'll get you the fire department.
(end call)
(I didn't actually take this call, a co-worker did so this is my interpretation of what happened!)
Dispatcher: 911 what's your emergency.
Caller: (Heavy breathing) Ma'am I need some help!
Dispatcher: What's wrong sir?
Caller: see....It done swole up.
Dispatcher: What swole up sir?
Caller: My Sc.....m (mumbled unintelligible word)
Dispatcher: I don't understand .....What is the problem?
Caller: My sc....m done swole up again, its the size of an orange
Dispatcher: What!?
Caller: (yelling) MY SCROTUM that is S-C-R-O- tum, understand!!! Do you think I need to get it checked?
Dispatcher: (Holding back a laugh) Well sir, that's up to you but I'll go ahead and send you and ambulance.
(end call)
Since I seem to be loosing my memory I have decided to document some of the especially odd calls I take. These 2 are pretty tame compared to some of the others so I guess the are okay to post.
ME: 911 What's your emergency?
Caller: (background noise and cussing)My neighbor is stuck on the toilet again?
ME: Excuse me?
Caller: My neighbor is stuck on the toilet again...But this time he is backwards.
ME: Backwards, Can you explain how he got stuck backwards?
Caller: Oh, I don't know but he is wedged in there and we cant pull him out? Can you just send up some help!
ME: Okay, just try to stay calm and I'll get you the fire department.
(end call)
(I didn't actually take this call, a co-worker did so this is my interpretation of what happened!)
Dispatcher: 911 what's your emergency.
Caller: (Heavy breathing) Ma'am I need some help!
Dispatcher: What's wrong sir?
Caller: see....It done swole up.
Dispatcher: What swole up sir?
Caller: My Sc.....m (mumbled unintelligible word)
Dispatcher: I don't understand .....What is the problem?
Caller: My sc....m done swole up again, its the size of an orange
Dispatcher: What!?
Caller: (yelling) MY SCROTUM that is S-C-R-O- tum, understand!!! Do you think I need to get it checked?
Dispatcher: (Holding back a laugh) Well sir, that's up to you but I'll go ahead and send you and ambulance.
(end call)
Since I seem to be loosing my memory I have decided to document some of the especially odd calls I take. These 2 are pretty tame compared to some of the others so I guess the are okay to post.
Sunday, March 07, 2004

You are a pheromone. You are seductive and you know
what you want. You have something about you
that permeates the air and draws people to you.
You can get what you want almost without fail,
like some of the sexiest moths out there.
Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a pheromone. You are seductive and you know
what you want. You have something about you
that permeates the air and draws people to you.
You can get what you want almost without fail,
like some of the sexiest moths out there.
Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
.......After further consideration I have decided to officially quit the band. I figure, I have so little free time now, why spend it working on music I don't even like. So...That's,that. I guess its back to the drawing board.
This weekend I went to see Barber Shop (by myself! Can you believe it?!) Anyway, the movie was hysterical and I think I might go see it again. I also took advantage of a birthday present from Rama (a massage gift certificate) and got a wonderful massage at Pampered man Pampered woman in downtown Oakland near the lake. The owner was friendly, (not pretentious or strange like most of the other spas I have been too) the atmosphere was peaceful, and the masseuse was great. I think Im going to make that a regular habit. I decided to skip my guitar lesson and forgot that I would still have to pay for it. Ugghhh! Now I have to pay $70 for my next lesson and find time to make up for all of the practicing I've missed. I also replaced my missing hubcap and FINALLY got my car washed!! After 9 months without a bath it looked pretty pathetic.
I had Friday night off thanks to a training class. Steve and I went to Kincaids for drinks, then to Dave and Buster's to play pool but after eating dinner (they have the best Catfish!!) we got sleepy and decided to go home. Well, I"m actually starting to bore myself now so I guess I'll go.
This weekend I went to see Barber Shop (by myself! Can you believe it?!) Anyway, the movie was hysterical and I think I might go see it again. I also took advantage of a birthday present from Rama (a massage gift certificate) and got a wonderful massage at Pampered man Pampered woman in downtown Oakland near the lake. The owner was friendly, (not pretentious or strange like most of the other spas I have been too) the atmosphere was peaceful, and the masseuse was great. I think Im going to make that a regular habit. I decided to skip my guitar lesson and forgot that I would still have to pay for it. Ugghhh! Now I have to pay $70 for my next lesson and find time to make up for all of the practicing I've missed. I also replaced my missing hubcap and FINALLY got my car washed!! After 9 months without a bath it looked pretty pathetic.
I had Friday night off thanks to a training class. Steve and I went to Kincaids for drinks, then to Dave and Buster's to play pool but after eating dinner (they have the best Catfish!!) we got sleepy and decided to go home. Well, I"m actually starting to bore myself now so I guess I'll go.
Thursday, March 04, 2004
Just when I think I've finally figured out what I want, what I want changes. I was totally convinced that I wanted to be in a band but after last nights practice I'm not so sure. The first practice was....well....I guess you could call it interesting. After and awkward group introduction I was handed a microphone and asked to sing whatever came to mind while they played. While I don't mind being put on the spot and asked to come up with a melody, lyrics are another story. After about 15 minutes they decided to change songs. This pattern continued for about 1 1/2 hours. I decided that it was pointless for me to continue singing (plus my voice was gone, I really need to take voice lessons if I am going to continue doing this) so I asked for a copy of the practice CD and left. I don't know if that was the best decision to make during my first meeting with them... Anyway, later I had a drink with Steve and called it a night. So what do I want now? I think I would like to be in a Jazz trio but, I'm sure I'll change my mind about that too....
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
Okay quick post.......I have 15 minutes till I get off work so here goes..... Weekend plans are: Rewrite 2 of the songs that my band is going to be performing, (Oh, forgot to tell ya, I decided to stay in the band and try to work around my crappy schedule) learn 2 more songs that don't need to be rewritten, go to my guitar lesson that I am tempted to cancel since I haven't been practicing this week (all that OT takes up my free time) go to my first band rehearsal and meet everyone, work OT on Thursday (no surprise there), hang out with Josh, and perhaps at some point get some rest. Oh yeah, all that working out is starting to pay off I lost 7 pounds. Whoo-Hoo!!! Look out Beyonce!! Here I come...... Just kidding :-)