...I know, I know, long time no post....Sorry, but I have a really good reason. Tomorrow will end my marathon 6 day (60 hour) work week and I have been so tired!!! (Luckily I got to work with Rama and Rosa so it wasn't that bad) Anyway this is not going to be a whinny post so on to more pleasant topics. Let see....Where shall I start? Well, I have been quite busy during the last couple of weeks. I went to Dawn's going away party and met a group of very interesting people. Most of us were in our late 20's, single, with no kids. It seems that the late 20's are a time of change and transition for all of us. Everyone was, or is in the process of making career and life changes. Dawn, is moving to LA to become an actress. Vette, (brave girl!)has been working for the same company in the marketing department for several years and has decided to quit her job, go back to school, and actively pursuit her music goals. Bethy, quit her job and is starting a non-profit organization for teenage girls self esteem issues. Everyone else in attendance had equally interesting story's. I'm not really sure where I'm headed but I know a major change is coming and it will include music.
I have been reconsidering buying a home so I went and talked to a mortgage lender. I didn't like him because he was very condescending. He told me that I would qualify for a 100% financing loan however I would still need to come up with $10,000 in closing fees. (ouch!) He also suggested that I pay off a couple more credit cards before moving. I guess that means that in about 6 months (the amount of time it should take me to pay them off) I will either be a home owner or close to debt free!!! Now I need to decide if I want the responsibility of a house or the flexibility and freedom of being able to move at any time. (or being able work at a job where I make less money). Decision, decisions, decisions.......
In other news, I took a trip out to Sacramento and spent a few day with Karran. We went to a Karyoke bar (lots of fun!) and hung out around the house. It was a nice break from my usual surroundings. While there I sang her one of the songs I wrote and she loved it. She loved it so much that she asked me to sing it several times before leaving the next day. Still, it was nice to be appreciated. Guitar lesson have been going very well. I guess all the practicing has been paying off. I just found out that my teacher is going to be moving to San Francisco and I have to decide if I'm going to follow or find a new teacher. I'm leaning towards a new teacher but I'll keep you posted. Guess that's it for now.
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