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Sunday, February 29, 2004
When it rains, it pours. After working 6 hour of OT on my off day (ugh!) I rear ended someone while trying to drive to my hair appointment. It was raining and as I attempted to stop my car at an intersection I hydroplaned into the vehicle in front of me. The guy driving the car immediately reaches for his neck, then starts to pull over to the right. (I was thinking fool, you know there's nothing wrong with your neck, don't even try it!) I pulled over behind him then all of a sudden he sped off. I though he was trying to find a better place to stop so I followed him but after about a block or so going 50 mph I realized he was trying to get away. At this point my rational side took over. I realized that 1. I rear ended him and was at fault. 2. I already pay enough for car insurance and I don't need my rates to go up and 3. I was going to be late for my hair appointment.( based on the fact that my short hair cut was starting to look like an Afro this was unacceptable) Anyway I stopped following him and went to my appointment. During my 3 hours at the salon the temperature dropped enough that the rain turned into hail the size of quarters (which never happens in Oakland). When I arrived at the shop I made the decision to run from my car to the salon without my umbrella because I was late. I ended up leaving my appointment with a newspaper over my head. I almost fell down on the way back to the car thanks to the hail all over the sidewalk and when I got to the car I found a $50 ticket on my windshield for parking partially in the yellow zone. (working for a police department you would think I'd know better) Overall I guess I should be pretty happy, my car only had a small crack in the bumper and at least the ticket was only $50.
Saturday, February 28, 2004
hmmmm lets see........I've calmed down since my last post. I realize that I either have to take the initiative and find myself a new job,or stop whining and complaining. (although whining is so much easier!) What else...... I went to go see " The Passion" with my Mom, Grandma, and Brother Lance. It was very difficult to watch but overall a great movie. I can really appreciate how much of a sacrifice Jesus made for little ole me. I also tried to see "Monster" but ended up leaving after about an hour because it was too violent. I guess from now on I'll have to stick to romance or comedy.
I went to a baby shower for a friend from high school this weekend. It was so strange to see people I went to highschool with kids. You would think that after 10 years it wouldn't be that odd but they still seem like kids themselves. I am reeeaaaalllllyyyyy glad I don't have any crumb snatchers yet. IM way to selfish, and that would really cut into my shopping budget. Perhaps once I can afford a nanny I'll reconsider. (but then again maybe not) I also made it to bible study this week. We started off discussing Psalms however, by the end of the session the subject switched to fears. Fear of the unknown, fear of taking chances, fear of failure, fear of rejection, and several other types. I felt like God was speaking directly to me and telling me to let go of my fears and trust him. That's something I've been working on and finding a new job will definitely provide an opportunity to step out on faith. Dawn (from bible study) announced that she is moving to LA to pursuit acting. God gives his children so many gifts and I know she will be very successful using hers. I didn't get to know her that well but she is one of the few people I've met that I've liked immediately. She will definitely be missed.
Okay last thing. Some people really enjoy sharing information about themselves that I really don't want to hear. Case in point, Kelly at work. She decided to share a personal medical problem that should have been kept to herself. However since I know she is reading this perhaps I'll give you a little advise Kel. Yogurt....Lots of yogurt. Enough rambling for now.
I went to a baby shower for a friend from high school this weekend. It was so strange to see people I went to highschool with kids. You would think that after 10 years it wouldn't be that odd but they still seem like kids themselves. I am reeeaaaalllllyyyyy glad I don't have any crumb snatchers yet. IM way to selfish, and that would really cut into my shopping budget. Perhaps once I can afford a nanny I'll reconsider. (but then again maybe not) I also made it to bible study this week. We started off discussing Psalms however, by the end of the session the subject switched to fears. Fear of the unknown, fear of taking chances, fear of failure, fear of rejection, and several other types. I felt like God was speaking directly to me and telling me to let go of my fears and trust him. That's something I've been working on and finding a new job will definitely provide an opportunity to step out on faith. Dawn (from bible study) announced that she is moving to LA to pursuit acting. God gives his children so many gifts and I know she will be very successful using hers. I didn't get to know her that well but she is one of the few people I've met that I've liked immediately. She will definitely be missed.
Okay last thing. Some people really enjoy sharing information about themselves that I really don't want to hear. Case in point, Kelly at work. She decided to share a personal medical problem that should have been kept to herself. However since I know she is reading this perhaps I'll give you a little advise Kel. Yogurt....Lots of yogurt. Enough rambling for now.
Saturday, February 21, 2004
I AM SO ANGRY!!!!!!!! Not only did I have to work from 11pm- 9am Friday-Monday for 2 years then 7pm-5am Friday-Monday for six months, I just found out that I'll be working the same crappy shift for six more months! Guess that mean I'll be quitting the band I JUST joined!!! I don't know why I even expected things to get better at that HORRIBLE place. I NEED A NEW JOB NOW!!! I feel like I'm wasting my 20's away rotting in a box answering 911 and listening to stupid people complain about non-issues. If one more person calls about suspicious black males in the area that "just don't look like they belong around here." I swear I'm gonna shoot someone. Well, maybe not shoot them perhaps a beating with an extention cord would be better. I never see my family (and who knows how long some of them will be around) or my friends. I can't remember the last time I got to spend an entire day off with Steve. When the sun comes up my body seems to think it's time to go to sleep and as soon as the sun sets I'm wide awake with the owls and the crack fiends. Well I guess that's enough complaining, plus I realize how blessed I am to have a job at all. I'm gonna have to spend the next couple of weeks praying for a way out of all this....
Monday, February 16, 2004
I had the pleasure of spending a day last weekend with Grandma Tubs, my nephew Josh and my mom. (If your interested we call her Tubs because she was very skinny until she hit her 50's then she gained weight and got kinda tubby hence the name Tubs) I know most people don't enjoy spending time with their families however God has blessed me with a wonderful family of strong black women so I enjoy any chance I get to hang out with them. Anyway....We took Tubs to a doctor's appointment for her high blood pressure. After driving all the way to San Francisco I didn't want to drive my car any further so we took her car to the appointment. She has a 1993 Saturn with 30,0000 miles ( yep that's it) so we all piled in. I reached down to adjust the front seat and grabbed something sharp. It was about the size of a butcher knife with a long curved rusty blade and a wooden handle. When I asked her what it was she replied "girl,that's just my shank for anyone who acts up." I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, she sleeps with a bat next to her bed, would not hesitate to use the arsenal of weapons in her purse, and my grandfather use to call her "The Hammer". (She has just a little bit of a temper problem!) I tried to tell her that she can't drive around with a shank in her car but she said she would do whatever she wanted. My mother just sat in the backseat laughing. (I guess she already knew my attempts to persuade Tubs to my way of thinking were futile) After the doctors appointment Tubs decided she wanted some strawberries and told us exactly what grocery store to go too. She sat in the car while my mother went into the store. Parked in a handicap spot directly across from us was an elderly gentleman wearing a blue satin shirt, (unbuttoned almost to his stomach)several gold chains, black satin pants, and gators (or is it gaiters?). He was shining his car with a towel and flirting with whoever happened to walked by. She looked at me and said, "What is he suppose to be a pimp?" I though so but didn't say anything. She watched him for a little longer then said "The worst fool is an old fool." Well at that point I completely lost it, I was laughing so hard I almost spilled my Soy Caramel Macchiato (my drink of the month) all over the car. We ended our day with dinner and a movie (Veggie Tales, Josh picked it out). Later on that evening I went to Bible Study, Wal-mart, the grocery store, the Gym, then finally to bed.........Goodnight.
Saturday, February 14, 2004
I am not insane,crazy, or delusional however I am totally convinced that Comcast is trying to take over the world!!!! It seems that not only have they monopolized the cable industry and the DSL market,they are now trying to buy the Disney Company!!! What's next?! The entire country and then THE WORLD!!!!! Normally I'm not even remotely interested in things like this however I draw the line when my cable bill is affected! My cable bill was never over $12.00 (for basic cable) until I moved. I only moved about 4 miles however, when I called to have cable re-connected the rep told me the cheapest plan they offered was $65 a month. WTF!!!! Well I made a few threats and told him I would take my business elsewhere! He chuckled and hung up the phone. Can you believe that! Well.....I was gonna show him, or so I thought. I called 411 and asked for the number to the cable companies in my area. That's when I got the bad news, Comcast is now the only cable company in my area!! Ughhhh! Well now I am a Comcast customer and I hate every minute of it. I guess I could always get the dish but that would be way to much work.
On to more pleasant topics.....Guess what I found when I climbed into bed last night! (No, it did not need batteries!) There was a huge basket with candles, soap, and other assorted bath goodies as well as a cute Teddy Bear on my pillow. Steve really has been full of surprises lately! I must be pretty special to get flowers, donuts and a gift basket in one month! (and it's only the 14th!) Speaking of the 14th perhaps I was a little premature with my Happy Valentines day wish but I didn't think I would post again before today so "Happy Valentines Day Again!"
Hey I'm really starting to get the hang of this whole separate paragraph/indenting thing. Go Brandy! In other news.....I got my taxes done today and instead of my usually $300.00 owed this year its $420.00. Isn't that nice. The tax lady said that I make too much money to not own property. I guess I could always have a few tax write offs, oops I mean dependents, oops I mean kids but then I'd really have no money. Oh, actually I have a better idea how about she gives me some money for a down payment and then I'll go buy a house. What do ya think? If you would like to make a donation to the buy Brandy a home fund I accept all forms of credit card, check, or anything else you might have. Thank You.
On to more pleasant topics.....Guess what I found when I climbed into bed last night! (No, it did not need batteries!) There was a huge basket with candles, soap, and other assorted bath goodies as well as a cute Teddy Bear on my pillow. Steve really has been full of surprises lately! I must be pretty special to get flowers, donuts and a gift basket in one month! (and it's only the 14th!) Speaking of the 14th perhaps I was a little premature with my Happy Valentines day wish but I didn't think I would post again before today so "Happy Valentines Day Again!"
Hey I'm really starting to get the hang of this whole separate paragraph/indenting thing. Go Brandy! In other news.....I got my taxes done today and instead of my usually $300.00 owed this year its $420.00. Isn't that nice. The tax lady said that I make too much money to not own property. I guess I could always have a few tax write offs, oops I mean dependents, oops I mean kids but then I'd really have no money. Oh, actually I have a better idea how about she gives me some money for a down payment and then I'll go buy a house. What do ya think? If you would like to make a donation to the buy Brandy a home fund I accept all forms of credit card, check, or anything else you might have. Thank You.
Drumroll Please.............I Am In A Band!!!!!! Yep you heard me right! The first practice is scheduled for next Saturday and I will get to meet the rest of the band which should be quite interesting, especially since it is largely made up of people found on craigslist. It seems that I will be controlling most of the music style decisions (oddly enough) and hopefully it will all work out well but that's doubtful. So....I've been working out 5 days a week for 2 weeks and my total weight loss is O pound. That sucks! Yet I don't know why I expected anything different. I am really grouchy tonight and don't wanna talk anymore so go away. I SAID GO AWAY!
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Thank God it's my Friday!!! This has been a long week so I'll keep it short and too the point. Plans: 1) meet that music guy 2)Go visit Tubs in San Francisco 3) Try to get my taxes done at some point and 4)Relax (my favorite part). Valentines day is this Saturday and I have to work so I guess that means no Valentines day activities for me but as Outkast say "Happy Valentines Day- February the 14th!" to you!
Monday, February 09, 2004
I had the nicest surprise this morning. I arrived at the Gym and found Steve peddling away on an exercise bike at 5:30am. Apparently he stayed up all night so that he could come work out with me! How sweet is that!!! We worked out for about an hour before we left. As we walked out the front door I commented that the sun was coming out and it was going to be a nice day. He replied that it was terrible and that he could not imagine having to see the sun rise everyday. Welcome to my world!!! Anyway,we went back to my house and had breakfast. No...... nothing exciting happened. (get your mind out of the gutter!) Steve fell asleep in mid sentence several times before giving in to Mr.Sandman. I should start a new paragraph here but since I usually ignore spelling and grammar rules why change now. I was contacted by another person who posted on craigslist. (yes, I know I have a serious internet addiction problem.) This guy heads up a new band that is looking for a singer. We are suppose to meet next week but considering all of my prior meetings I'm not really expecting much. Gosh I have horrible gas! Have I mentioned that I'm severely lactose intolerant? Tonight I made the mistake of eating noodles in cream sauce and I'm paying the price! (so are my co-workers he-he!) I think my stomach is trying to escape my body through my....Well you probably don't need (or want) to know that so I guess I'll stop here.
Sunday, February 08, 2004
Not much to say today. Had a nice relaxing weekend that consisted of: Painting with Steve, guitar lesson, at Steve's house painting, hair appointment, dinner at Horatio's, followed by Painting at Steve's. I know, I know, too much excitement for one person! Friday night I went into work late so that I could go to an audition. That went pretty well I guess but I haven't decided if it's actually something I want to pursue. The band was excellent and the singers were pretty good as well. My only concern was the venue....It was just a little bit ummm well... ghetto for my tastes but I guess time will tell. I made a very upsetting discovery yesterday. I have the arse of a 50 year old woman!!!! Thanks to a floor to ceiling mirror directly behind the treadmill row (how stupid is that!!!) I got a full shot of my butt in action. That was an eye opener (to say the least) and I have decided to wear oversized workout gear from now on. I also decided that perhaps a little less junk food might be okay. Oh well off to the gym.....
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
So yeah..... I joined a Gym. Don't really have much to say about that except it costs too much, and I am as fat as a pig! However I have decided to loose 20 pounds by July. I think that sounds pretty do-able. ( I wonder how you are actually suppose to spell that word if it's a word at all) I had an appointment with a personal trainer who tried to convince me that I needed to pay her $1500 to help me reach my goal. She told me my fat percentage (40%) is at an unhealthy level and that it is imperative that I get it under control soon. I figure if I am basically considered obese at 150 lbs 5'6 so be it, it's just extra cushion :-)bring on the cake!!! Next subject....The person who left that post on Craigslist (the "saprano" thing) called me back this weekend.(Yeah I know I said I hoped he wouldn't call) Guess what!? Much to my surprise he was very nice and professional. I guess you really can't judge a book by its cover, however I do think he should invest in some type of spell check program. Anyway I am suppose to go check them out and audition if I like the band. I'm praying that it goes well but I'll keep you posted. For most of you today is probably Tuesday but for me it is still Monday and that makes it GROUNDHOGS Day!!! For some strange reason it is one of my favorite non-religious holidays. I think it has something to do with a claymation special I watched as a child. There was this dancing groundhog in a suit and top hat who sang about Groundhogs day. The song went something like "I've got a day named after me February 2, that is the day when I decide what the weather gonna do!" I don't know why I felt the need to include that but oh well, deal with it. One more thing.....I finished the project I was talking about yesterday! What a relief !!! Happy Groundhogs Day and here's to six more weeks of winter!!!!
Monday, February 02, 2004
I am such a procrastinator! I have been working on a project that should have lasted 2 hours for 2 weeks. To make matters worse I spend a ridiculous amount of time dwelling on the fact that I haven't finished it and that makes me stress out. I really need to break the cycle and just finish the project but perhaps I'll work on that a little later. (he-he) Lets see......My weekend was great! Too bad I cant seem to remember what I did. (pathetic I know...) Oh yeah I think I stayed home the first two days, and worked OT the third (I also worked on a song with Steve). Friday I did some shopping with Rama and her 4 year old daughter after a short walk around the San Leandro Marina. That reminds me.... kids are SO funny. During my shopping trip I accidentally spilled Coffey on a chair while waiting for Rama to finish a purchase. I tried to coyly slip the coffee cup behind the chair as not to draw attention to my blunder but unfortunately Rama's daughter decided otherwise. You know that "ooooooo" sound kids make when someone is in trouble....Well she did that. Then, she loudly announced that I spilled coffee everywhere and I needed a salesperson with napkins to clean it up immediately . This went on for about 5 minutes until the purchase was finally completed and the mess was cleaned up. To say I was embarrassed would be the understatement of the year. Speaking of other embarrassing stories I also went to Monterey Friday Night with Steve. We went to this cute pub/restaurant/bar called Sly McFlys to see Vett perform with her band "OFF THE HOOK". I was so proud of her...She sang her little butt off! Anyway she did so well that she out shined the lead singer. Big BIG mistake! The lead singer got very mad and tried to pull Vett's wig off during the last song. (FYI Vett has beautiful hair and only wears a wig on stage so it doesn't get messed up from all the sweating) Vett calmly walked away and covered it up so well that I don't think anyone even notice. ( I only found out later when she told me) After the long drive home Steve and I got big greasy Hamburgers and fries from Nations. Oh yeah I also joined a Gym but more about that tomorrow...