I had the nicest surprise this morning. I arrived at the Gym and found Steve peddling away on an exercise bike at 5:30am. Apparently he stayed up all night so that he could come work out with me! How sweet is that!!! We worked out for about an hour before we left. As we walked out the front door I commented that the sun was coming out and it was going to be a nice day. He replied that it was terrible and that he could not imagine having to see the sun rise everyday. Welcome to my world!!! Anyway,we went back to my house and had breakfast. No...... nothing exciting happened. (get your mind out of the gutter!) Steve fell asleep in mid sentence several times before giving in to Mr.Sandman. I should start a new paragraph here but since I usually ignore spelling and grammar rules why change now. I was contacted by another person who posted on craigslist. (yes, I know I have a serious internet addiction problem.) This guy heads up a new band that is looking for a singer. We are suppose to meet next week but considering all of my prior meetings I'm not really expecting much. Gosh I have horrible gas! Have I mentioned that I'm severely lactose intolerant? Tonight I made the mistake of eating noodles in cream sauce and I'm paying the price! (so are my co-workers he-he!) I think my stomach is trying to escape my body through my....Well you probably don't need (or want) to know that so I guess I'll stop here.
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