I am not insane,crazy, or delusional however I am totally convinced that Comcast is trying to take over the world!!!! It seems that not only have they monopolized the cable industry and the DSL market,they are now trying to buy the Disney Company!!! What's next?! The entire country and then THE WORLD!!!!! Normally I'm not even remotely interested in things like this however I draw the line when my cable bill is affected! My cable bill was never over $12.00 (for basic cable) until I moved. I only moved about 4 miles however, when I called to have cable re-connected the rep told me the cheapest plan they offered was $65 a month. WTF!!!! Well I made a few threats and told him I would take my business elsewhere! He chuckled and hung up the phone. Can you believe that! Well.....I was gonna show him, or so I thought. I called 411 and asked for the number to the cable companies in my area. That's when I got the bad news, Comcast is now the only cable company in my area!! Ughhhh! Well now I am a Comcast customer and I hate every minute of it. I guess I could always get the dish but that would be way to much work.
On to more pleasant topics.....Guess what I found when I climbed into bed last night! (No, it did not need batteries!) There was a huge basket with candles, soap, and other assorted bath goodies as well as a cute Teddy Bear on my pillow. Steve really has been full of surprises lately! I must be pretty special to get flowers, donuts and a gift basket in one month! (and it's only the 14th!) Speaking of the 14th perhaps I was a little premature with my Happy Valentines day wish but I didn't think I would post again before today so "Happy Valentines Day Again!"
Hey I'm really starting to get the hang of this whole separate paragraph/indenting thing. Go Brandy! In other news.....I got my taxes done today and instead of my usually $300.00 owed this year its $420.00. Isn't that nice. The tax lady said that I make too much money to not own property. I guess I could always have a few tax write offs, oops I mean dependents, oops I mean kids but then I'd really have no money. Oh, actually I have a better idea how about she gives me some money for a down payment and then I'll go buy a house. What do ya think? If you would like to make a donation to the buy Brandy a home fund I accept all forms of credit card, check, or anything else you might have. Thank You.
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